Chapter 1 Introduction - TM-5-6115-596-140015Figure 1-1. Generator set, 4.2 KW.Figure 1-1.1 Generator set, 4.2kw. Reporting Equipment Improvement RecommendationsDefinition of Locational TermsFigure 1-2. Generator set - left front view.Figure 1-3. Generator set - right rear view.Generator Regulator - TM-5-6115-596-140022Figure 1-3.1 Generator set - right rear view. Time Totalizing Meter - TM-5-6115-596-140024Figure 1-4. Generator set - top view.Figure 1-4. 1 Generator set - top view.Figure 1-5. Identification plates and signs.Figure 1-5.1 Identification plates and signs.PerformanceGenerator - TM-5-6115-596-140030Generator Regulator - TM-5-6115-596-140031Chapter 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-6115-596-140033Figure 2-1.1 Control panel.Air Shutter LeverFuel Shutoff Valve - TM-5-6115-596-140036Engine Choke Control LeverStarting Rope and PulleyElectrical ReceptaclesSection II. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESDaily Preventive-Maintenance Services. cont'dTable 2-1. Daily Preventive Maintenansce ServiceSection III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSFIGURE 2-8, SHIPPING AND STORAGE CONTAINER.Break-In ServicesOperating Under Usual ConditionsApplying Generator LoadSection IV. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSMaintenance problemsWinterization equipment cont'dFigure 2-9. Cold weather cover.Figure 2-10. Using blowtorch to heat preheater.Extreme Hot Weather or DustMaintenance After Subjection to WaterChapter 3 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSRecords and ReportsLubrication Under Unusual ConditionsProper Lubrication LevelsTable 3-1. Operator TroubleshootingCHAPTER 4 ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-6115-596-140061Section II. SERVICE UPON RECEIPTSpeciaL lubricatingSpecial ConditionsTable 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-5-6115-596-140065Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services cont'dSection IV. TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-5-6115-596-140067Isolate the individual componentTable 4-2. Organizational TroubleshootingFigure 4-1. Electrical test equipment.Figure 4-2. Electrical schematic diagram.Table 4-3. Electrical Circuit Numbers (generator sets, serial numbers 923-001 thru 923-553)Table 4-3.1 Electrical Circuit Numbers (generator sets, serial numbers 929-001 thru 929-290)Table 4-4. Electrical Troubleshooting (Generator Sets serial numbers 923-001 thru 923-553)GENERATOR FAILS TO OPERATE cont'dTable 4-4.1 Electrical Troubleshooting (Generator Sets serial numbers 929-001 thru 929-290)GENERATOR FAILS TO OPERATE Figure 4-3. Electrical system.Figure 4-3.1 Electrical system.Section V. ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - TM-5-6115-596-140081RemovalSection VI. FUEL, AIR INTAKE, AND EXHAUST SYSTEM MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESDraining Fuel TankInspection of Fuel TankFigure 4-7. Fuel filter, valve, and hoses.Fuel HosesFuel Shutoff Valve - TM-5-6115-596-140088Figure 4-8. Removing or installing mufflers.Figure 4-9. Flanged manifolds.Installation - TM-5-6115-596-140091Section VII. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESFigure 4-10. Starter-generator drive beltsControl Panel RepairControl Panel ControlsEngine Start SwitchFigure 4-11. Control panel removal points.Legend - TM-5-6115-596-140098Figure 4-11.1 Control panel removal points.Installation - TM-5-6115-596-140100Wiring Harnesses and CablesRemoval and Installation of Wiring HarnessLegend - TM-5-6115-596-140103Figure 4-12.1 Control panel, exploded view.Figure 4-13. Connectors and receptacles.Figure 4-14. Wiring harness leads.Figure 4-15. Generator-to-regulator wiring harness.Inspection and Repair - TM-5-6115-596-140108Power Receptacle Wiring HarnessFigure 4-16. Power receptacle wiring harnessFigure 4-16.1 Power receptacle wiring harness.Inspection and Repair - TM-5-6115-596-140112Chapter 5 DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTable 5-1. Direct Support and General Support Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesSection IV. TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-5-6115-596-140115Table 5-2. Symptom IndexTable 5-3. Direct and General Support TroubleshootingTable 5-3. Direct and General Support Troubleshooting cont'd - TM-5-6115-596-140118Table 5-3. Direct and General Support Troubleshooting cont'd - TM-5-6115-596-140119Table 5-3. Direct and General Support Troubleshooting cont'd - TM-5-6115-596-140120Section V. ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - TM-5-6115-596-140121Figure 5-1. Engine removal points.Legend - TM-5-6115-596-140123Installation - TM-5-6115-596-140124Engine Belt Drive Sheave and AdapterSection VI. FUEL TANK MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESFigure 5-3. Fuel tank.Testing Fuel TankTesting Fuel Tank. cont'dSection VII. STARTER-GENERATOR MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESFigure 5-4. Adjusting generator voltage.Figure 5-5. Starter-generator removal points.Inspection and Repair - TM-5-6115-596-140133Figure 5-6. Starter-generator belt drive sheave and bushing exploded viewDisassembly of Starter-GeneratorFigure 5-7. Startergenerator -- exploded view.Legend - TM-5-6115-596-140137Disassembly of Starter-Generator cont'dCleaningBall BearingsArmatureFigure 5-8. Testing armature for grounds.Figure 5-9. Testing armature for short circuitsFigure 5-10. Testing brush spring tension.RepairFigure 5-11. Lathe tool properly shaped for commutator turning.Figure 5-13. Armature mounted in lathe.Undercutting MicaAssembly - TM-5-6115-596-140149Assembly cont'dRun-In of Generator BrushFigure 5-16. Electrical test setup for brush run-in.Starter-Generator Repair and Overhaul StandardsFigure 5-18. Repair and overhaul standard points of measurement for starter-generator. Table 5-4. Starter-Generator Repair StandardsSection VIII. GENERATOR-REGULATOR MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESDisassemblyFigure 5-19. Generator regulator removal points.Figure 5-19.1 Regulator removal points.Figure 5-20. Generator-regulator exploded view.Legend - TM-5-6115-596-140162Table 5-5. Generator Regulator Circuit ValuesAssembly - TM-5-6115-596-140164Generator Regulator Resilient MountsFigure 5-21. Generator regulator resilient mounts.Shipping InstructionsInspection upon ReceiptInspection upon Receipt.Appendix A REFERENCES - TM-5-6115-596-140171REFERENCESAPPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTAdjustRebuildColumn 5, Tools and EquipmentColumn 4, National/NATO Stock NumberAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-5-6115-596-140178Table APPENDIX C ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTSection III. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTAPPENDIX A EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSection II. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTAPPENDIX E TORQUE LIMITSTM-5-6115-596-14 Generator Set: Gasoline Engine Driven 4.2 KW 150 AMP 28V DC Model DC 4.2 - ORD /28 (6115-00-857-1397) Manual