TM 5-6115-596-14
Perform all special lubrication.
(3) SpeciAL lubricating.
applies either to lubrication instructions that do not appear on the
lubrication order, or to items that do appear but should be performed
with the maintenance services.
Perform special services, such as drain-
(4) Special servicing.
ing and refilling generator set with oil, and changing or cleaning
the oil filter, air cleaner, and fuel filter elements.
(5) Tightening.
Perform all tightening with enough wrench tor-
que (force on the wrench handle) to tighten parts according to good
mechanical practice.
Use a torque-indicating wrench where specified.
Do not overtighten; this may strip threads or cause distortion.
Tightening will always include the correct installation of lock wash-
ers, lock nuts, locking wire, or cotter pins to secure the tightened
nut or bolt.
(6) Checking modification work orders.
At least every 6 months,
check to see that all modification work orders have been applied. A
list of current modification work orders is published in DA Pam 310-7.
If a modification has not been applied, promptly notify the local
field maintenance officer.
No alteration or modification that affects
the moving parts will be made by organizational personnel, except as
authorized by official publications.
Quarterly services are performed
every 3 months by organizational maintenance personnel assisted by
the operator.
Commanders are authorized to reduce the intervals
between preventive-maintenance services whenever conditions indicate
the need.