TM 5-6115-596-14
Touchup painting will be in accor-
dance with TM 43-0139, Painting
Instructions for Field Use.
Removal from Storage,
(1) If the generator set is not shipped or issued upon expiration
of the storage period, process as applicable in accordance with TB
(2) If the generator set to be shipped will reach its destina-
tion within the storage period, it need not be reprocessed upon re-
moval from storage, unless inspection reveals reprocessing to be
necessary because of anticipated intransit weather conditions.
(3) If the generator set is to be placed into immediate service,
deprocess it in accordance with TB 9-299/1.
Inspect and service it
Army Shipping Documents.
Prepare all Army shipping documents accompanying freight in accor-
dance with AR 725-50.
5-55/(5-56 blank)