TM 5-6115-596-14
(3) The generator set to be prepared for storage must be given a
limited technical inspection and processed as prescribed in TB 9-
299/1 .
The results of the inspection and classification will be
entered on DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Work-
sheet ).
Inspection upon Receipt.
(1) Immediately upon receipt of the generator set for storage,
Perform a systematic inspection and replace or
2-12, and 4-6, 4-7.
If repairs are beyond the scope
repair all missing or broken parts.
of the unit and materiel will be inactivated for an appreciable
length of time, place materiel in storage and attach tags specifying
the repairs needed.
The reports of these conditions will be submitted
by the unit commander for action by a supporting maintenance unit.
(2) When materiel is inactivated, it will be processed in accor-
dance with TB 9-299/1.
(3) Prepare a DD Form 6 (Report of Packaging and Handling
Deficiencies) for all shipments received in a damaged or otherwise
unsatisfactory condition, due to deficiencies in preservation, pack-
aging, loading, or storage and for apparently excessive preservation.
Storage Site.
The preferred storage site for the generator
set is under a cover in dry, covered sheds.
When it is necessary to
store materiel outdoors, protect it against the elements.
Perform a visual inspection per-
Inspection During Storage.
iodically to determine general condition.
If corrosion is found,
remove it and clean, paint, and treat the set with prescribed pre-