TM 5-6115-596-14
The box also
relay assembly, both housed in a water-tight box.
contains relays, coils, and fixed and variable resistors.
(Generator Set, serial numbers 929-
Generator Regulator.
001 thru 929-290).
The generator-regulator module is of solid-
state design rated for 28Vdc (nominal) and a power output capability
ranging from 4.2kw (module temperature equal to or less than 75
degrees F) down to 3kw (module temperature above 75 degrees F).
Included in the regulator is an automatic overvoltage cutout
When the overvoltage condition is corrected, the
regulator output voltage is restored by depressing the reset button
mounted on the module.
The unit is sealed and nonrepairable.
as a limited voltage adjust.
The rheostat has been eliminated
with the introduction of the solid state regulator.
A decal
located in place of the rheostat explains the output voltage is
Fuel System.
The fuel system consists of a fuel tank, fuel
filter, shutoff valve, carburetor, fuel pump, and interconnecting
fuel lines.
The fuel shutoff valve stops the fuel flow and can
change the source of the fuel from the tank to an outside source.
The control panel is the mounting
Control Panel Assembly.
bracket for the engine start switch, voltage adjusting rheostat
(present only in generator set, serial numbers 923-001 thru
923-553), starting relay, and receptacle for connecting the
battery power source and generator output load.
Regulator Decal.
(Generator Set, serial numbers 929-001
thru 929-290).
This decal provides the installation date of the
regulator and pertinent information on the device.
Change 2