TM 5-6115-596-14
Maintenance After Subjection to Water.
The generator set should be protected from water
If the generator set is exposed
during rain or transport over water.
to water in excessive amounts or for extended periods of time, water
The following
may enter the engine crankcase and generator housing.
precautions should be taken as-soon as possible, and must be taken
before starting the engine or operating the generator set.
(1) Clean all surfaces exposed to water, and touch up with paint
Coat unpainted external metal parts with preserva-
where necessary.
tive lubricating oil (PE).
(2) Check lubricant in engine. If water has contaminated the
(3) Remove band from generator, and dry interior with compressed
(4) Check fuel for water.
If water has contaminated fuel, drain
off water or drain fuel, and refill with clean fuel.