CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-5-6115-271-140022Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-5-6115-271-140023Identification and Tabulated Data - TM-5-6115-271-140024Figure 1-1. Generator set Model MEP-016AFigure 1-2. Generator set Model MEP-021AFigure 1-3. Generator set Model MEP-026AFigure 1-4 Generator base dimensionsCHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-6115-271-140030Electrical starting (optional equipment).Figure 21. Engine Controls.Figure 2-2. Generator set controls and instruments (Model MEP-021A).Figure 2-3. Generator set controls and instruments (Model MEP - 016A)Figure 2-4. Generator set controls and instruments (Mode MEP-26A).Figure 2-5. Voltage conversion (models MEP-016A and MEP-021A).Figure 2-6. Typical electrical starting instruction (sheet 1 of 2).Figure 2-6 Continued. Typical electrical starting instructions (sheet 2 of 2).Figure 2-7. Manual starting instructions.Figure 2-8. Stopping instructions.Figure 2-9. Generator set operating instructions (Models MEP-016A and MEP-021A) (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 2-9. Generator set operating instructions (Models MEP-016A and MEP-021A) (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 2-10. G e n e r a t o r set operating instructions (Model MEP-026A).Figure 2-10.1 Governor Adjustment using Frequency Meter (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 2-10.1 Governor Adjustment using Frequency Meter (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 2-11. Heating torch operation.Heating Torch OperationOperation in Salt Water Areas - TM-5-6115-271-140049CHAPTER 3 OPERATOR/CREW MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-6115-271-140050Section III. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Table 3-2. OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES - TM-5-6115-271-140052Table 3-2. OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES - TM-5-6115-271-140053Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-5-6115-271-140054Table 3-3. Troubleshooting (Cont'd)Figure 3-1. Fuse, removal and installation (Model MEP-Figure 3-2. Winterizing KitCHAPTER 4 ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCEFigure 4-1. AC Generator set load terminals.Figure 4-2. DC generator set load terminals.Foundation and Drainage - TM-5-6115-271-140063Figure 4-4. Revetment, top view.FIGURE 4-5. REVETMENT, side view. Figure 4-6. Revtment, isometric Figure 4-7. Revetment, perspective without roof Figure 4-8. Revtment, front view. Figure 4-9. Revetment, left side view. Figure 4-10. Revdtment, exhaust duct. Section II. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORKSITE - TM-5-6115-271-140071Table 4-1. ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES - TM-5-6115-271-140072Table 4-2. Troubleshooting (Cont 'd.)GENERATOR NOISYSection VI. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSIONFigure 4-11. Radio interference suppression components, location, description, removal and installation.Figure 4-12. Fuel tank and cap, and ground terminal stud removal and installation.Figure 4-13. Controls and instruments, removal and installation (sheet 1 of 3)Figure 4-13. Controls and instruments removal and installation (Model MEP-026A) (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 4-13. Controls and instruments, removal and installation (Model MEP-016A) (Sheet 3 of 3).Figure 4-14. Fuseholder, removal and installation.Slave Receptacle (Model MEP-026A, MEP-026C)Figure 4-15. Slave recepticle, removal and installation (Model MEP-026A).Figure 4-16. Connector cover plate and receptacle connector, removal and installation (Model MEP-016A).Replace Lost or Broken Terminal Clip (Retainer, Safety Clip)Figure 4-17. External shunt, bussbars, and load teminals, removal and installation (Model MEP-026A).Figure 4-18. had terminals and insulator, removal and installation (Model MEP-016A).Figure 4-19 Fuel selector valve, fuel filter, fuel filter bracket, fuel hose, fuel line, and fittings, removal and installation.Section XI. MAINTENANCE OF THE ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMFigure 422. Starting Switch, Receptacle, and bracket, removal and installation.Chapter 5 INTERMEDIATE (FIELD), (DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPPORT) AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTable 5-1. Troubleshooting (Cont'd) - TM-5-6115-271-140095Table 5-1. Troubleshooting (Cont'd) - TM-5-6115-271-140096Chapter 6 REMOVAL/lNSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSFigure 6-2. Engine, removal and installation.Figure 6-3. Control box, removal and installationControl BoxChapter 7 MAINTENANCE OF THE FRAME ASSEMBLYFigure 7-1. Frame assembly, removal and installationFigure 72. Frame, disassembly and reassembly.CHAPTER 8 MAINTENANCE OF THE CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY - TM-5-6115-271-140106Figure 8-1. Voltage Regulator Testing.Figure 8-1A. Q1 and Q2 transistor pin out locations.Table 8-2. Q1 Test Chart.Make test connectionsFigure 8-1B. Wiring and wiring harness, voltage regulator, and terminal board, removal and installtion Figure 8-1C. Wiring and wiring harness, voltage regulator, and terminal board, removal and installation (Model MEP-026A).Figure 8-1D. Standard voltage regulator 3KW, 5KW, 10KW, DC, 60HZ, (1319E0883).Make test connections cont'dFigure 8-1E. Voltage Regulator Adjustment SchematicFigure 8-1F. Waveforms.Table 8-3. Test Conditions.Test.Figure 8-2. Frequency converter, removal and installation.Figure 8-3. Output selector switch and mounting bracket, removal and installation (Model MEP-021A) (Sheet 1 of 2)Circuit BreakerFigure 8-4. Current transformer, removal and installation (Models MEP-016A and MEP-021A).Figure 8-5. Fixed resistor board assembly, removal and installation (Models MEP-016A and MEP-021A).Figure 8-6. Circuit breaker, removal and installation (Model MEP-026A).Figure 8-7. Circuit breaker, removal and installation (Model MEP-021A).Chapter 9 MAINTENANCE OF THE HEAT SINK ASSEMBLYFigure 9-1. Diode rectifier and terminal block, removal and installation (Models MEP-016A and MEP-021A) (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 9-1. Diode rectifier and terminal block, removal and installation (Model MEP-026A) (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 9-2. Right side heat sink, removal and installation (Model MEP-026A).Figure 9-3. Left side heat sink, removal and installation (Model MEP-026A).Chapter 10 MAINTENANCE OF THE GENERATOR - TM-5-6115-271-140134Installation.Figure 10-1. Generator schematic diagram (Model MEP-016A).Figure 10-2. Generator schematic diagram (Model MEP-021A).Figure 10-3. Generator shcematic diagram (Model MEP-026A).Figure 10-3A. Generator shcematic diagram (Model MEP-026A).Figure 10-4. Generator, exploded view (Model MEP-021A).Figure 10-5. Generator, exploded view (Models MEP-026A and MEP-016A).Appendix A REFERENCES - TM-5-6115-271-140142REFERENCES cont'd - TM-5-6115-271-140143REFERENCES cont'd - TM-5-6115-271-140144APPENDIX B BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST AND ITEMS TROOP INSTALLED OR AUTHORIZED - TM-5-6115-271-140146Section III. ITEMS TROOP INSTALLED OR AUTHORIZED LIST - TM-5-6115-271-140147Section III. ITEMS TROOP INSTALLED OR AUTHORIZED LIST-ContinuedAppendix C MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-6115-271-140150Explanation of Columns in Section IIISection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART-ContinuedSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART--ContinuedSection III TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSFigure FO-1 Wiring diagram (Model MEP-016A)Figure FO-2. Wiring diagram (Model MEP-021A).Figure FO-3. Wiring diagram (Model MEP-026A).FO-3.1 Wiring Diagram (Model MEP-026A) Old RegulatorFigure F0-4. Wiring Diagram, Standard Voltage RegulatorFigure FO-5 Schematic Diagram Standard Voltage RegulatorTM-5-6115-271-14 Generator Set Gasoline Engine Driven Skid Mounted Tubular Frame. 3 Kw. Phase. AC. 120/208 and 120/240 Volts 28 VDC (Less Engine) Manual