TM 5-6115-271-14
TO 35C2-3-386-1
NAVFAC P-8-613-14
Step 1.
Set the circuit breaker to OFF or OPEN
Serious eye injury can result from the
Step 2.
Set the fuel selector valve to the TANK or
starter rope knot. Wear eye protection
AUX position whichever fuel source you are
when pull starting engine.
Step 3.
Set the output selector switch it is inside the
c. Make one pull of the starter rope with
control box to the generator (voltage) output
a quick, steadv motion.
that matches the connected load.
d. If the engine starts, open choke as
Turn the voltage adjusting rheostat all the
Step 4.
steady engine operation permits.
way to the left.
Step 5.
Set the carburetor throttle control in
GOVERN or RUN position.
Unnecessary or excessive use of the choke
Step 6.
a. Set the engine RUN-OFF switch to
can cause the lubricating oil to be diluted
RUN position.
with gasoline.
b. Put the choke in about a 3/4-closed
e. If the engine does not start, close choke
to full. Take one pull of starter rope. If engine
starts, move choke to about 1/2-position. Run
engine at 1/2-choke, then open choke as
steady engine operation permits.