TM 5-6115-271-14
TO 35C2-3-386-1
NAVFAC P-8-613-14
Section I.
1-4. Reporting of Errors.
Report of errors, omissions, and recommendations
a. This manual is for your use in operating and
for improvement of this publication by the individual
maintaining the Military designed DOD Models
MEP-016A, MEP-016C, MEP-021A, MEP-021C, and
user is encouraged. Reports should be submitted as
MEP-026A, MEP-026C Generator Sets. Information
is provided on the operation, preventive maintenance
a. (A) ArmyDA Form 2028 (Recommended
checks and services, troubleshooting, operator/crew,
Changes to Publications and Blank Forms), directly
organizational, intermediate (Field), (Direct Support
to: Commander, U.S. Army Troop Support Com-
and General Support) and Depot maintenance.
mand, ATTN: AMSTR-MCTS, 4300 Goodfellow
b. This manual is primarily concerned with the
Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63120-1798. A reply will be
operation and maintenance of the generator sets, less
furnished directly to you.
engine. However, where it becomes necessary for
understanding, portions of the maintenance and
b. (F) Air ForceAFTO Form 22 directly to:
operation instruction which apply to the engine are in-
Commander, Sacramento Air Logistics Center,
cluded. For complete maintenance information on the
ATTN: MMEDTA, McClellan Air Force Base, CA
engine, refer to the 6 hp engine manuals, TM
95652-5609, in accordance with TO-00-5-1.
5-2805-203 series.
c. (MC) Marine CorpsNAVMC 10772 directly
c. Appendix A
contains a
list of
reference publica-
to Commanding General, Marine Corps Logistics
tions applicable to this manual. Appendix B contains
Base, (Code 850), Albany, GA 31704-5000.
dix C contains the Maintenance Allocation Chart
d. (N) NavyBy letter directly to Commanding
(MAC), which determines the level of maintenance
Officer, Naval Construction Battalion Center, ATTN:
responsibility for Army Users.
Code 15741, Port Hueneme, CA 93043-5000.
1-2. Limited Applicability.
1-5. Levels of Maintenance Accomplishment.
Some portions of this publication are not applicable
a. (A)Army users shall refer to the Maintenance
to all services. These portions are prefixed to indicate
Allocation Chart (MAC) for tasks and levels of
the services to which they pertain: (A) for Army, (F)
maintenance to be performed.
for Air Force, (N) for Navy, and (MC) for Marine
b. (F)--Air Force users shall accomplish
Corps. Portions not prefixed are applicable to all
maintenance at the user level consistent with their
capability in accordance with policies established in
AFM 66-1.
1-3. Maintenance Forms and Records.
c. (MC)Marine Corps users shall refer to
a. (A) Maintenance forms and records used by
SL-4-05926A for directions on Maintenance.
Army personnel are prescribed by DAPAM 738-750.
d. (N)--Navy users shall determine their
b. (F) Maintenance forms and records used by
maintenance levels in accordance with their service
Air Force personnel are prescribed in AFM-66-1 and
the applicable 00-20 series Technical Orders.
c. (MC) Forms and records for Marine Corps users
1-6. Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent
are prescribed in TM 4700-15/1.
Enemy Use.
d. (N) Navy users should refer to their service
(A) Demolition of materiel to prevent enemy
p e c u l i a r directives to determine applicable
use will be in accordance with the requirement of
maintenance forms and records to be used.