TM 5-611-271-14
TO 35C2-3-386-1
TM 05926A-14
NAVFAC P-8-613-14
vans, conex containters and other containers may
TM 750-244-3 (Procedures for Destruction of
be used.
Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use for U.S. Army).
b. (F) Air Force. Refer to TO-35-1-4 (Pro-
1-7. Administrative Storage.
cessing and Inspection of Aerospace Ground
If the generator sets must be placed in admini-
strative storage proceed as follows:
c. (MC) Marine Corps.
Refer to MCOP 4450-7.
a. (A) Army.
1-8. Preparation for Shipment and Storage.
(1) Placement of equipment in adminis-
If the generator sets must be placed in storage
trative storage should be for short periods of time
or shipped to another location proceed as follows:
when a shortage of maintenance effort exists. Items
should be in mission readiness within 24 hours or
a. (A), Army. Refer to TB 740-97-2 (Preserva-
within the time factors as determined by the
directing authority. During the storage period
tion of USAMECOM Mechanical Equipment for
Shipment and Storage).
appropriate maintenance records will be kept.
b. (F), Air Force. Refer to TO 35-1-4 (Pro-
(2) Before placing equipment in adminis-
cessing and Inspection of Aerospace Ground
trative storage, current maintenance services and
Equipment) for the end item generator sets and
equipment serviceable criteria (ESC) evaluations
TO 38-1-5 (Processing and Inspection of Non-
should be completed, shortcomings and deficiencies
Mounted, Non-Aircraft Gasoline and Diesel
should be corrected, and all modification work
Engines for Storage and Shipment) for the installed
orders (MWO's) should be applied.
(3) Storage site selection. Inside storage is
(N, MC), Navy and Marine Corps. Refer to
preferred for items selected for administrative
individual service directives for requirements.
storage. If inside storage is not available, trucks,
120 volt, 3-phase; or 120/208 volt,
4 wire and is rated at 3 kilowatts (kw).
a. General. The Military Design DOD Models
MEP-016A, MEP-O16C, MEP-021A, MEP-021C,
(2) Military Design DOD Model MEP-021
and MEP-026A, MEP-026C (figs. 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3,
respectively) generators are self-contained, frame
400 Hz, alternating current generator. The genera-
mounted, portable units. T h ee "A" models are
tor output is 120 or 240 volt, single phase; 120
powered by 4-cylinder, 6 HP Military Standard
volt, 3-phase; or 120/208 volt, 3-phase; 4 wire
Engines, Models 4A032-1 or 4A032-2 which are
and is rated at 3 kw.
directly coupled to the generator. The "C" models
are powered by Model 4A032-3 or 4A032-4
(3) Military Design DOD Model MEP-026
engines. Refer to TM 5-2805-203 series manuals
for the engines.
volt direct current generator.
b. Generators.
c. Control Box.
The control boxes on the
(1) Military Design DOD Model MEP-016
generator sets contain all instruments, electrical
hertz (Hz), alternating current generator. The
components, and electrical controls necessary for
generator output is 120 or 240 volts, single phase;
operation of the generator sets.