TM 5-611-271-14
TO 35C2-3-386-1
TM 05926A-14
NAVFAC P-8-613-14
for use by all services. The manuals are coded
This appendix contains a list of reference manuals
(A), for Army use; (F), for Air Force use; and
that may be used in conjunction with this TM in
(MC), for Marine Corps use.
the operation and maintenance of the 3 KW DOD
Generator. Those manuals not coded are applicable
A-1. Fire Protection
Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers Approved for
TB 5-4200-200-10 (A)
Army Use
A-2. Lubrication
Identification List for Fuels, Lubricants, Oils and
C9100-IL (A)
Engine, Gasoline: 6 HP; Military Standard Models
LO 5-2805-203-12 (A, MC)
4A032-1, 4A032-2, 4A032-3 and 4A032-4
Preventive Maintenance Workcards
T.O. 35C2-3-1-426 WC-3-1-1 (F)
Specification List of Standard Liquid Fuels,
TB 703-1 (A)
Authorized for Use by U.S. Army
A-3. Painting
Color, Marking, and Preparation of Equipment for
AR 740-1 (A)
Painting Instructions for Field Use.
TM 43-0139 (A)
Painting and Marking of USAF Aerospace Ground
T.O. 35-1-3 (F)
Painting, Camouflage Pattern Painting, Registration
MCO 4750.3B
Marking and Identification Requirements for
Marine Corps Tactical Equipment
Marine Corps Guide for Camouflage Paint Patterns
NAVMC 2666
A-4. Radio Suppression
TM 11-483 (A)
MIL-STD-461 (F,A,MC)
Mobile Electric Power Engine Generator Standard
Family Characteristics Data Sheet
A-5. Maintenance
Operator, Organizational, DS, and GS Maintenance
TM 5-2805-203-14 (A)
Manual for Engine, Gasoline, 6 HP; Military
TO 38G2-90-1 (F)
Standard Models 4A032-1, 4A032-2,
TM 03522-15( MC)
4A032-3, and 4A032-4.