TM 5-6115-271-14
TO 35C2-3-386-1
NAVFAC P-8-613-14
storage area will depend upon the size of the fuel con-
a minimum practical amount of space for service and
tainer being used. Since air temperatures within the
revetment will build up considerably above the out-
side ambient when the generator set is operating,
c. Foundation and Drainage. Refer to
figure 1-4 for
always locate the fuel supply outside of the revetment
dimensions of the generator base. In no case should
to minimize safety hazards associated with gasoline
the foundation exceed a height of six inches nor
at high temperatures. For the same reason, it is recom-
should the level of the generator set exceed a tilt of 15
mended that the integral fuel tanks, with which some
in any direction. Drainage must be provided to insure
generator sets are equipped, not be used (see Appen-
run-off of water away from the generator set and out
dix B, Section III). The exhaust from the generator
of the revetment through drain holes at inside ground
set is to be ducted out of the revetment. The installa-
level. Where there is no natural slope for the water to
run away from the revetment, a sump and drainage
flexible pipe is not available to use for an exhaust ex-
trench must be provided outside of the revetment for
tension, a piece of exhaust pipe or any other similar
each required drain hole.
material may be utilized. The point at which the ex-
haust discharge goes through the revetment wall
d. Wall Construction. The walls of the revetment
depends entirely upon the equipment that is available.
The exhaust may be discharged into an external ex-
boxes filled with sand or dirt, or any other material
available. The wall height should not exceed 3 feet
This chimney will aid in ducting the exhaust gases
(0.91 meters) and should be constructed as shown in
away from the revetment and will reduce the noise
level. A revetment doorway shield must be con-
e. Roof Construction. The roof can be supported
shield is a wall 3 feet (0.91 meters) high and 7.5 feet
by any means possible, but should be 1 foot (0.31
(2.26 meters) long, constructed in a manner similar to
meters) above the wall of the revetment and provide
the revetment walls to prevent direct entrance of pro-
as much open space around the top as possible. Refer
jectiles or fragments through the doorway into the
ed in the roof construction consist of two pieces of
lumber (4 inches by 4 inches) or logs (4 inches in
g. Alignment Instructions. When constructing the
diameter) about 10 feet (3.1 meters) long and the
revetment, the orientation of the revetment will be
necessary cross pieces of lumber, logs, or steel plank-
such that its entrance is facing into the direction of the
These cross pieces should be about 8 feet (2.44 meters)
located within the revetment so that its long axis is
long. If the above materials are not readily available,
parallel to the long axis of the revetment and is
any available material of a like nature maybe used.
centered within the revetment. In addition, the engine
The thickness of the roof (figs. 4-6, and 4-8) will depend
end will be towards the doorway. These instructions
upon the amount and type of protection desired. Cau-
are very important and must be observed to obtain
tion should be taken when adding protection to the
maximum ventilation and cooling benefits when
roof to insure that the roof is supported properly to
operating in a revetment.
carry the additional weight.
h. Multiple Installations. No more than one
f. Miscellaneous Construction. A compartment
generator set will be installed within each revetment.
should be constructed for fuel storage outside of the
Also, no other neat generating equipment will be plac-
ed in the revetment with a generator set.
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