TM 5-6115-271-14
TO 35C2-3-386-1
NAVFAC P-8-613-14
Section VI.
Replacement of Suppression Components.
4-13. RFI Suppression Capacitors
General Methods Used to Attain Proper
suppression components with components of the
Suppression. Essentially, suppression is attained by
providing a low-resistance path to ground for stray
same size, type, and rating. The capacity, voltage,
currents. The methods used include shielding the
and polarity of the capacitors are extremely
important. Insure good metal-to-metal contact
ignition and high frequency wires, grounding the
frame with bonding straps, and using capacitors
and resistors. For general information on radio
(2) Removal and installation. Refer to figure
4-11 and remove and install the capacitors and
appropriate service manual.
Interference Suppression Components.
cription, and removal and installation of suppres-
sion components.
The only way to accurately test a
capacitor is with a capacitor tester. How-
(2) For the removal and installation of the
shielded spark plugs, refer to the appropriate
ever, you can tell if a capacitor is work-
ing by the following method.
the lead in terminal to the capacitor.
Do not pull on cable or twist the braided
shielding. Gently work the cable from
side to side and free the rubber seal. Do
touch the test probes to the input terminal and the
not use sharp tools to install the rubber
metal case of the capacitor, then quickly reverse
reading then fall back to 0.
(3) If no deflection can be obtained on the
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