TM 5-6115-271-14
TO 35C2-3-386-1
TM 05926A-14
NAVFAC P-8-613-14
Figure 4-12. Fuel tank and
cap, and
ground terminal stud removal and
Section VIII.
4-14. General
The generator control box assembly consists of the
a. General. The variable resistors on each
meters, slave receptacle (Model ME P-016A/C only),
generator set application differ slightly, but basically
circuit breaker, fuseholder (Model ME P-016A/C only).
perform the same function. They can be recognized by
Field flash switch, voltage selector and current selec-
the circular identification plate under each control
tor switch (Models MEP-016A/C and MEP-021A/C).
knob which reads either INCREASE VOLTS OR
Variable resistor (Labeled ADJUST VOLTS or in-
crease volts), load terminals and buss bars (Model
b. Test.
(1) Stop the generator set and disconnect ter-
minal 26 of the voltage regulator terminal board.
a. General. Some models of
the generator set are
equipped with a fully removable control box cover (4
quick fasteners), while other models are equipped with
the variable resistor terminals by varying the resistor
from full counterclockwise to full clockwise position.
a hinged non-removable (2 quick fasteners) control
This reading should move smoothly from 0 to 750
box cover.
ohms 10% as the variable resistor is rotated to the
b. Opening, Removal and Installation. To open,
full clockwise position.
remove or install the control box cover, simply loosen
(or tighten) the two or four quick fasteners.
On sets manufactured prior to 1968, this
reading will be 0 to 250 ohms 10%.