TM 5-6115-271-14
TO 35C2-3-386-1
NAVFAC P-8-613-14
(b) Slowly adjust R6 counterclockwise
(a) If the AC voltmeter (M2) indicates
until oscilloscope (M3) wave form begins to go up
136 VAC or greater, proceed with step (7).
(b) If the AC voltmeter (M2) indicates
reading shall go to "maximum level" (35 VDC mini-
less than 136 VAC, proceed with step (8).
mum) when wave form passes through zero.
(7) Perform the following adjustment proce-
(c) Adjust AC supply (PS1) to adjust
shall return to "minimum level" and M1 shall read
(a) Adjust AC supply PSI to adjust (M2)
zero volts.
to 136 VAC.
(9) Without further adjustment of R6, repeat
(b) Slowly adjust R6 clockwise until oscil-
the above procedure for the remaining three condi-
loscope (M3) wave form begins to decrease from
tions tabulated in Table 8-3. In all cases, similar per-
"maximum level". DC voltmeter (M1) reading shall
formance should be achieved.
go to zero when wave form passes through zero. Refer
(c) Adjust AC supply (PS1) to adjust
been accomplished in the previous proce-
shall return to maximum level and DC voltmeter (M1)
dures. Procedures are repeated for the
shall read maximum (35 VDC minimum).
remaining three conditions.
(8) Perform the following adjustment proce-
(a) Adjust AC supply (PS1) to adjust
(M2) to 133 VAC.
Change 11