TM 5-6115-332-4
TO 35C2-3-424-1
f. Assembly.
(1) Model MEP-022A (fig. 7-13). Follow the
same assembly procedures as Model MEP-017A, be-
(2) Model MEP-017A (fig. 7-12).
(a) Install the generator drive disc (11, fig.
7-12 or 7-13) on the alternator assembly (12) and se-
cure with lockplates (10) and capscrews (9).
(b) Install exciter rotor assembly (8) on the
alternator rotor assembly (12); secure with lead
screw (7). Install the assembly. Install lockwashers
(6), capscrews (5), and silicon rectifiers (4).
(c) Install ball bearing (3) and bearing clip
(d) Install key (l).
g. Test.
(1) Rotating Rectifier.
(a) Tag and disconnect the rotor winding
leads. Remove the rectifier assembly from the rotor
shaft. See figures 7-14 and 7-15.
(b) Check the front-to-back resistance ratio
of each rectifier with an ohmmeter. The ratio
should be at least 100,000/1 with the forward re-
sistance being 10 ohms maximum.
(2) Rotors.
(a) Using the disconnected leads from the
rotating rectifier, test the continuity of the rotor
windings by use of a test lamp or multimeter. If con-
tinuity is not indicated, an open or short is present
and shall be isolated.
(b) Use a megohmeter to test the coil insu-
lation. Test between the shaft and each lead on both
rotors. A reading of less than 1.0 megohm indicates
that the insulation is faulty.
h. Installation. Refer to paragraphs 6-2 and 6-
3 or 6-4 and install the generator.
Section III.
7-15. General
(2) Refer to figure 7-16 and the following in-
The instructions contained in this section cover
structions for engine support and drip pan removal.
removal and installation of the engine front sup-
(a) Remove the nuts, lockwashers, screws,
port, engine drip pan, and skid base. The skid base
and flatwashers securing the engine support to the
serves as the mounting platform for the generator
skid base.
set components.
(b) Remove the engine support.
(c) Remove the nuts, lockwashers, and
7-16. Engine Support and Drip Pan
screws which secure the drip pan to the skid base.
a. Removal.
(d) Remove the drip pan.
(1) Remove the engine (para 6-4).