(6) Remove the fuel drum adapter and clips
from the skid base by withdrawing the adapter from
the two clips. Remove the clips by removing four
nuts, lockwashers and screws.
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
prolonged exposure of skin to cleaning
solvent. Wash exposed skin thoroughly.
Dry cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680,
Type II) used to clean parts is potentially
dangerous to personnel and property. Do
not use near open flame or excessive heat.
Flash point of solvent is 140°F (60)0C).
(1) Clean items with cleaning solvent, Fed
TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
Spec. P-D-680 Type II, and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect for cracks, breaks, broken welds,
and twisted or distorted areas.
(3) Straighten distorted areas, weld cracks or
broken welds, and grind the welds smooth.
(4) Replace a defective skid base.
c. Installation.
(1) To install the clips and fuel drum adapter,
position the clips on the skid base and secure with
screws, lockwashers, and nuts. Snap the adapter
into position in the clips.
(2) Position the fuel can brackets in place on
the skid base and secure with screws, lockwashers
and nuts.
(3) Install the lower battery frame, paragraph
(4) Install the engine support and drip pan,
paragraph 7-16.
(5) Install the engine, paragraph 6-4, and gen-
erator, paragraph 6-2 or 6-3.
Change 5
7-27/(7-28 blank)