Do not bake the rotating rectifier assembly. Keep
all varnish from the rotor shaft.
(a) Maintain the viscosity of the varnish at
the manufacturers recommended value.
(b) The part shall be clean and free of all
foreign matter.
(c) Preheat the part for two hours at a tem-
perature of 290 to 310°F. (143 to 154°C.).
(d) Cool the part to a temperature of 120 to
250°F. (49 to 121°C.) before dipping.
(e) Dip in varnish for two minutes or until
bubbling ceases, then drain for 6 to 8 minutes.
(f) Bake for 3 hours at a temperature of 290
to 300°F. (143 to 149°C.).
(g) Repeat steps (d) through (f).
(h) Repeat steps (d) through (e).
(i) Bake for 6 hours at a temperature of 290
to 300°F. (143 to 149°C.).
(j) Cool to room temperature.
(3) Replace a defective stator.
(4) Replace damaged main frame and exciter
(5) Replace damaged generator housing.
(6) Replace missing and damaged hardware.
f. Assembly.
(1) Model MEP-022A.
(a) Install the exciter pole (25, fig. 7-9) and
exciter coil (26) on the exciter frame assembly (27);
secure with lockwashers (24) and screws (23).
(b) Install the exciter frame assembly (27,
fig. 7-9) on the housing (28) and secure with lock-
washers (22) and capscrews (21).
(c) Install stator (20) and secure it with
lockwashers (19) and capscrews (18).
(d) Install the air inlet grille (17) and
adapter (16) on the housing (28); secure with lock-
washers (15) and capscrews (14).
(e) Install the eybolt (12) and nut (13).
(f) Install sleeving (11), clamp (10),
adapter (9), clamp (8), connector (7) and wiring har-
ness (6).
(g) Install the wiring harness assembly on
the housing (28) and secure it with lockwashers (5)
and screws (4).
(h) Install wire clips (3) on exciter frame
(27) and secure them with lockwashers (2) and
screws (1).
(i) Connect all leads.
(2) Model MEP-017A.
(a) Install exciter coil (23, fig. 7-8) and ex-
citer pole (22) on the exciter frame (24) and secure
them with lockwashers, (21) and screws (20).
TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
(b) Install the exciter frame assembly (24)
on the housing (25) and secure it with lockwashers
(19) and capscrews (18).
(c) Install stator (17), lockwashers (16),
and capscrew (15).
(d) Install nut (14) and lifting eyebolt (13).
(e) Install the air inlet grille (12).
(f) Reassemble the wiring harness (6). In-
stall sleeving (11), clamp (10), adapter (9), clamp
(8), and connector (7).
(g) Install the wiring harness (6, fig. 7-8)
on the housing (25) and secure it with lockwashers
(5) and screws (4).
(h) Install the wire clips (3) and secure
them with lockwashers (2) and screws (l).
g. Test.
(1) Test the exciter stator (G1) (field wind-
ings) for continuity. Use contacts G and H on the
generator cable receptacle. If continuity is not indi-
cated, each coil must be tested individually to locate
the shorted or open windings. (Refer to wiring sche-
matic diagram FO-1 or FO-2.)
(2) Test alternator stator (G1) windings for
continuity. (Refer to wiring schematic diagram,
FO-1 or FO-2.) Test across contacts F and C, E and
D, and A and B. An open coil that shall be repaired
or replaced is indicated by failure to obtain con-
(3) Using a megohmeter, test between the
frame and one lead of each winding in the stator.
Use the appropriate pins on the generator recep-
tacle on the alternator stator and test between one
coil lead and a lead from each coil group, in turn. A
reading of less than 1.0 megohm obtained in any
test indicates that the insulation is faulty. The de-
fective winding shall be repaired or replaced.
h. Installation. Refer to paragraphs 6-2, 6-3 or
6-4 and reinstall the generator.
7-14. Main Generator Rotor Assembly
a. Removal. For generator removal in-
structions, refer to paragraphs 6-2 and 6-3.
It is also possible to remove the engine and gener-
ator as a unit. If this is to be accomplished, refer to
paragraph 6-4 and follow the instructions on re-
moval of the engine from the skid.
b. Disassembly.
(1) Model MEP-017A.
(a) Remove the blower fan Woodruff key
(1, fig. 7-12) from its slot in the rotor shaft.
(b) Remove bearing clip (2) and with the
use of a puller, remove the bearing (3) from the