TS 6115-329-14/4-27
TM 5-6115-329-14
TO 35C2-3-440-1
Movement of the switch mechanism is opposite to
that of the toggle lever.
Replace a defective switch.
d. Installation.
(1) Secure the voltage control switch to the
control box with nut.
(2) Reconnect leads.
4-28. Duplex Receptacle, 120 Volts AC
a. Removal. Refer to figure 4-27 and the follow-
ing instructions and remove the duplex receptacle.
(1) Lift cover, tag and disconnect leads from
the duplex receptacle.
(2) Remove screws securing duplex receptacle
to the control box.
(3) Remove duplex receptacle.
Figure 4-27.
Duplex receptacle, 120 volts, AC, removal and installation (MODEL MEP-014A).
b. Cleaning. Clean the duplex receptacle using
duplex receptacle. Replace a duplex receptacle if
a clean cloth..
contacts opened during testing.
c. Inspection, Testing and Repair. Inspect the
d. Installation.
duplex receptacle for cracks, breaks, corroded ter-
(1) Position duplex receptacle in place on con-
minals or other damage. Test as follows: Using a
trol box and secure with screws.
multimeter, check for continuity of each contact on
(2) Reconnect leads.