TM 5-6115-329-14
TO 35C2-3-440-1
Section IX. Maintenance of the Frame Assembly
4-21. Ground Terminal
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
area. Avoid inhalation of solvent
fumes and prolonged exposure of
skin to cleaning solvent. Wash ex-
posed skin thoroughly. Dry clean-
ing solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680)
used to clean parts is potentially
dangerous to personnel and pro-
perty. Do not use near open flame
or excessive heat, Flash point of
solvent is 100° to 138° F. (38°
to 59° c.).
a. Removal.
To remove the ground terminal
(figs. 1-1,1-3, or 1-5), remove the nut and lock-
washer and remove the ground terminal.
b. Cleaning.
Clean the ground terminal and
mounting hardware in cleaning solvent Fed. Spec.
P-D-680, and dry thoroughly.
c. Inspect.
Inspect the ground terminal and
mounting hardware for stripped threads, cracks,
breaks, burrs or other damage.
d. Repair. Replace a defective ground terminal.
e. Installation. Refer to figures 1-1, 1-3, or 1-5
and install the ground terminal with lockwasher
and nut.
f. Replace.
For fabrication procedures, see
chapter 4, section X,
Maintenance of Control
Panel Assembly, paragraph 4-29.
Section X.
Maintenance of the Control Panel Assembly
4-22. Rheosta
a. Removal. Refer to figures 4-21, 4-22, or 4-23
and the following instructions and remove the
(1) Tag and disconnect leads from rheostat.
(2) Loosen setscrew securing rheostat knob
on shaft and remove rheostat knob.
(3) Remove nut securing the rheostat to the
control panel.
(4) Remove rheostat.
b. Cleaning. Clean the rheostat with a clean lint
free cloth.
c. Inspection, Testing and Repair.
Inspect the
rheostat for a cracked case, for evidence of over-
heating or other damage. Inspect knob for cracks
or breaks. Ensure rheostat rotates without binding
or sticking. Using a multimeter, check resistance
across outer terminals of rheostat.
should be approximately 5,000 ohms for the MEP-
014A and MEP-019A sets and 500 ohms for the
MEP-024A sets. Check resistance between center
terminal and outer terminals of rheostat. Full
rotation of wiper should indicate between 0
ohms and maximum ohms indicated above.
Replace a defective rheostat.
d. Installation.
(1) Secure rheostat to control panel with nut.
(2) Place rheostat knob over end of shaft and
secure by tightening setscrew.
(3) Reconnect leads.
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
Avoid inhalation of solvent
fumes and prolonged exposure of skin
to cleaning solvent.
Wash exposed
skin thoroughly. Dry cleaning solvent
(Fed. Spec. P-D-680) used to clean
parts is potentially dangerous to per-
sonnel and property.
Do not use
near open flame or excessive heat.
Flash point of solvent is 100o to 138°
F. (38° to 59° C.).
Removal. Refer to figures 4-21,4-22, or 4-23
the following instructions and remove the
(1) Tag and disconnect leads from voltmeter.
(2) Remove nuts,
lockwashers and screws
securing the voltmeter to the control panel.
(3) Remove voltmeter.
b. Cleaning.
(1) Clean the voltmeter
cloth dampened in cleaning
P-D-680 and dry thoroughly.
case with a clean
solvent Fed. Spec.
(2) Clean glass using a clean cloth and a mild
soap and water solution.
c. Inspection.
Testing and Repair.
glass for discoloration, chips, cracks or scratches.
Inspect dial face for legibility. Inspect voltmeter
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