TS 6115-329-14/4-29
TM 5-6115-329-14
TO 35C2-3-440-1
Figure 4-29. Control panel ground strap and fuel tank grounding strap, removal and installation.
b. Cleaning. Clean the ground strap in cleaning
ware for thread damage. Replace defective control
solvent, Fed. Spec. P-D-680, and dry thoroughly.
panel ground strap.
c. Inspection and Repair. Inspect ground strap
d. Installation.
Secure the control panel
for frayed or broken braid. Inspect mounting hard-
ground strap to the generator housing and the con-
trol box with lockwashers and nuts.
Section XI.
Maintenance of the Fuel System
4-32. Fuel Tank
open flame or excessive heat. Flash
point of solvent is 100° to 138° F. (38°
to 59O c.).
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
a. Removal.
area. Avoid inhalation of solvent
fumes and prolonged exposure of skin
to cleaning solvent. Wash exposed
skin thoroughly. Dry cleaning solvent
(Fed. Spec. P-D-680) used to clean
parts is potentially dangerous to per-
Drain fuel tank.
Disconnect line (fig. 4-30).
Remove two screws.
Remove grounding strap (fig. 4-29).
Remove fuel tank (fig. 4-30).
Remove selector valve and fuel strainer
sonnel and property. Do not use near
from fuel tank.
C h a n g e
24-46.1/(4-46.2 blank)