TM 5-6115-434-12
Table 3-3. Troubleshooting
Probable cause
Corrective action
No 60 Hz ac generator output
c. Underfrequency arming relay
c. Refer to para 3-61c(8) to
(60 Hz trip indicator lamp
(K6) failed.
check for K6 relay failure.
(DS5) illuminated.
Replace failed relay as-
sembly (para 3-61c).
d. 60 Hz generator control re-
d. Replace failed relay assem-
lay (K8) failed.
bly (para 3-61c).
e. 60 Hz output contactor re-
e. Replace failed relay (K11)
lay (K11) failed.
(para 3-62b).
f. Voltage regulator (VR2)
f. Refer to para 3-61, to check
for failed voltage regula-
tor. Replace failed regula-
tor (para 3-61a).
g. 60 Hz protective panel failed
g. Refer to para 3-6d(3) to
check for protective panel
failure. Replace failed pro-
tective panel (para 3-61d).
h. 60 Hz ac generator failed
h. Refer to para 3-65, a to
check for generator fail-
ure. Replace failed 60 Hz
ac generator (para 3-65).
i. Other causes
i. Refer other causes to direct
and general support main-
tenance personnel.
No 400 Hz ac generator
a. Overload on output
a. Adjust load. Reset contactor
switch (switch is thermal,
wait 10 minutes to reset).
Check each phase with
volt-amp switch.
b. 400 Hz output contactor
b. Replace failed contactor (K12)
(K12) failed.
(para 3-61f).
c. 400 Hz output contactor
c. Replace failed contactor
switch (S9) failed.
switch (S9) (para 3-56d).
d. 400 Hz main contactor (K10)
d. Replace failed contactor
(K10) (para 3-61e).
e. 400 Hz main contactor switch
e. Replace failed 400 Hz main
(S2) failed.
contactor switch (S2)
(para 3-55d).
f. Underfrequency arming re-
f. Replace failed relay assem-
lay (K6).
bly (para 3-61c).
g. 400 Hz generator control
g. Replace failed relay assem-
bly (para 3-61c).
h. 400 Hz auxiliary main con-
h. Replace failed relay assem-
tactor relay (K9) failed.
bly (para 3-61c).
i. Voltage regulator (VR1)
i. Refer to para 3-61b(3) to
check for voltage regula-
tor failure. Replace failed
voltage regulator (VR1)
(para 3-61b).
j. 400 Hz protective panel
j. Refer to para 3-61d(3) to
check for protective panel
failure. Replace failed pro-
tective panel (para 3-61d).
k. Other causes
k. Refer other causes to direct
and general support main-
tenance personnel.