TM 5-6115-434-12
Table 3-3. Troubleshooting-Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
No response when master
d. Circuit breaker (CB1) tripped
d. Reset (press) circuit breaker.
switch (S1) placed in
or failed.
Replace failed circuit break-
START position.
er (para 3-55j).
e. Master switch (S1) failed
e. Replace failed master switch
(S1) (para 3-55d).
f. Air intake door switch (S4)
f. Check for sticking actuator.
Replace failed air intake
door switch (S4).
g. Improper electrical connec-
g. Tighten or replace electrical
tions to start motor.
connections as indicated.
h. Starter cables failed
h. Replace failed starter cables.
i. Start relay (K1) failed
i. Replace failed start relay (K1)
(para 3-62a).
j. 400 Hz main contactor switch
j. Place switch in open posi-
(S2) not in open position
tion. Replace failed 400 Hz
or failed.
main contactor switch (S2)
(para 3-56d).
k. 60 Hz output contactor switch
k. Place switch in open posi-
not in open position or
tion. Replace failed 60 Hz
output contactor switch
(S3) (para 3-55d).
l. Centrifugal multispeed switch
l. Replace failed centrifugal
assembly overspeed (110
multi-speed switch assem-
percent) switch or 35 per-
bly (para 3-45).
cent switch open.
m. Start motor failed
m. Replace failed start motor
(para 3-44).
n. Time delay relay (K4) failed
n. Replace failed relay assem-
bly (para 3-61c).
o. Other causes
o. Refer other causes to direct
and general support main-
tenance personnel.
Start motor runs but
a. Start motor assembly failed
a. Replace failed start motor
does not rotate engine.
assembly (para 3-44).
b. Other causes
b. Refer other causes to direct
and general support main-
tenance personnel.
Engine stops motoring
a. Master switch (S1) failed
a. Replace failed master switch
when master switch
(S1) (para 3--55d).
is released from start
b. Start relay (K1) failed
b. Replace failed start relay
(K1) (para 3-62a).
c. Turbine holding relay (K3)
c. Replace failed relay assem-
bly (para 3-61c).
d. Time delay relay (K4) failed
d. Replace failed time delay
relay (K4) (para 3-61c).
e. Other causes
e. Refer other causes to direct
and general support person-
Start motor fails to shut
a. Start relay (K1) failed
a. Replace failed start relay
off when engine
(K1) (para 3-62a).
reaches 35 percent
b. Centrifugal multispeed switch
b. Replace failed centrifugal
governed speed.
assembly 35 percent switch
multi-speed switch assem-
bly (para 3-45).
c. Other causes
c. Refer other causes to direct
and general support main-
tenance personnel.