TM 5-6115-434-12
Table 3-3. Troubleshooting
Probable cause
Corrective action
Engine start, accelerates to
c. Generator shorted, creating
c. Replace failed generator
governed speed or less
drag on engine and caus-
(400 Hz or 60 Hz) (para
and shuts down.
ing shutdown at approxi-
3-64 or 3-65).
mately 35 percent governed
Combustion occurs but
a. Low charged batteries
a. Check specific gravity of
engine will not accel-
electrolyte (para 2-1b).
erate or accelerates
Recharge or replace bat-
too slowly.
teries as indicated or uti-
lize external power source
(para 2-3b(4)).
b. Low or depleted fuel supply
b. Replenish fuel supply.
c. Control air lines leaking
c. Check control air lines and
fittings. If air lines and
fittings are secure, re-
place fuel control assem-
bly (para 3-24).
d. Acceleration limiter valve
d. Refer to para 3-8e(3) for
improperly adjusted or
adjustment procedure.
If proper adjustment can-
not be obtained replace
fuel control assembly
(para 3-24).
e. Fuel control assembly failed
e. Replace failed fuel control
assembly (para 3-24).
f. Acceleration and overtempera-
f. Refer to para 3-8e(1) for
ture control thermostat
adjustment procedure. Re-
improperly adjusted or
place failed thermostat
(para 3-26).
g. Fuel atomizer valve capsule
g. Replace fuel atomizer assem-
stuck closed or carbon on
bly (para 3-25).
h. Fuel atomizer assembly
h. Replace failed fuel atomizer
assembly (para 3-25).
i. Air being bled from engine
i. Check load control valve
for closed position. Re-
place load control valve
(para 3-70) if full closed.
Check for leakage from
ducts and turbine plenum.
j. Other causes
j. Refer other causes to direct
and general support main-
tenance personnel.
Excessive exhaust gas
a. Acceleration and overtempera-
a. Refer to para 3-8e (1) for
temperature on start.
ture control thermostat
adjustment procedure.
improperly adjusted or
Replace failed thermostat
(para 3-26).
b. Acceleration limiter valve jm-
b. Refer to para 3-8e (3) for
properly adjusted or failed.
adjustment procedure. If
proper adjustment cannot
be obtained, replace fuel
control assembly (para 3-24).
c. Fuel atomizer flow divider
c. Replace fuel atomizer assem-
valve stuck open.
bly (para 3-25).
d. Other causes
d. Refer other causes to direct
and general support main-
tenance personnel.