TM 5-6115-434-12
Table 3-3. Troubleshooting
Probable cause
Corrective action
No water at water sys-
a. Low or no water supply
a. Check and replenish water
ten outlets.
b. Water system not properly
b. Refer to para 2-3b(5) for
proper priming instructions.
c. No 400 Hz power
c. Refer to para 2-16b for op-
eration to deliver 400
Hz electrical power. Re-
place failed components
as required.
d. 400 Hz auxiliary main con-
d. Replace failed relay assem-
tactor (K9) failed.
bly (para 3-61c).
e. Cold water pump contactor
e. Replace failed cold water
(K18) failed.
pump contactor (K13)
(para 3-61g).
f. Hot water pump contactor
f. Replace failed hot water
(K15) failed.
pump contactor (K15)
(para 3-61h).
g. Circuit breakers (CB6),
g. Reset (press) circuit break-
(CB19) or (CB11) open
ers. Replace failed circuit
or failed
breakers (CB6), (CB10),
or (CB11), as required
(para 3-55).
h. Cold water pressure switch
h. Replace failed cold water
(S13) failed.
(para 3-77).
i. Other causes
i. Refer other causes to direct
pressure switch (S13)
and general support main-
tenance personnel.
No hot water.
a. Exhaust gas flow control
a. Replace failed flow control
valve (K14).
valve (K14).
b. Hot water temperature switch
b. Replace failed hot water
(S12) failed.
temperature switch (S12)
(para 3-77).
c. Pressure switch (S11) failed
c. Replace failed pressure
switch (S11) (para 3-77).
d. 400 Hz auxiliary main con-
d. Replace failed relay assem-
tactor relay (K9) failed.
bly (para 3-61c).
e. Pressure regulator failed
e. Replace failed pressure
regulator (para 3-77).
f. Hot water pump (B15)
f. Replace failed hot water
pump (B15) (para 3-77).
g. Other causes
g. Refer other causes to direct
and general support main-
tenance personnel.
Hot water excessively
a. Exhaust gas flow control
a. Replace failed flow control
hot or turned to steam.
valve failed.
valve (para 3-77).
b. Hot water temperature switch
b. Replace failed hot water
(S12) failed.
temperature switch (S12)
(para 3-77).
c. Other causes
c. Refer other causes to direct
and general support main-
tenance personnel.
Ventilating air system
a. No 400 Hz power
a. Refer to para -216b for op-
will not start.
eration to deliver 400 Hz
electrical power. Replace
failed components as