TM 5-6115-434-12
Table 3-3. Troubleshooting
Probable cause
Corrective action
Erratic engine acceler-
a. Contamination in fuel spray
a. Replace fuel filters
ation, operation, or
(para 3-17, 3-18, or 3-19).
inability to carry
b. Fuel atomizer assembly par-
b. Clean fuel atomizer screen
tially closed.
(para 3-26b) or replace
fuel atomizer assembly
(para 3-25).
c. Fuel filter partially clogged
c. Check and replace fuel fil-
ters (para 3-17, 3-18, or
d. Control air lines leaking
d. Check control air lines and
fittings. If air lines and
fittings are secure, replace
fuel control assembly (para
e. Acceleration and overtemper-
e. Refer to para 34e (1) for
ature control thermostat
adjustment procedure.
improperly adjusted or
Replace failed thermostat
(para 3-26).
f. Fuel control assembly failed
f. Replace failed fuel control
assembly (para 3-24).
g. Flame tube and combustion
g. Clean flame tube and com-
cap assembly excessively
bustion cap assembly
carboned, deformed or
(para 3-25b) or replace
as required (para 3-25).
h. Load control valve not fully
h. Check load control valve
for full closed position.
If full closed position
cannot be obtained, re-
place load control valve
(para 3-70).
i. Fuel solenoid valve failed
i. Check for actuation of sole-
noid valve (para 3-23c).
Replace failed fuel sole-
noid valve (para 3-23).
j. Fuel boost pump and motor
j. Replace failed fuel boost
assembly failed.
pump and motor assembly
(para 3-21).
k. Restricted fuel supply
k. Remove fuel supply restric-
l. Other causes
l. Refer other causes to direct
and general support main-
tenance personnel.
Smoke emitted for short
a. Excessive oil in system or oil
a. Drain oil to proper level.
time after start.
b. Scavange oil pump failed
b. Replace failed scavenge oil
pump (para 3-37).
c. Fuel plenum drain check
c. Clean or replace fuel plenum
valve sticking closed.
drain check valve (para
d. Internal seal failure
d. Refer the trouble to direct
and general support main-
tenance personnel.
e. Other causes
e. Refer other causes to direct
and general support main-
tenance personnel.