TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
Section II.
4-4. Dismantling for Movement.
a. Preparation for Movement.
(1) Stop the generator set as follows:
(a) Local Mode Stopping. Refer to figure
2-10 for local mode stopping instructions.
(b) Remote Mode Stopping. To stop the
generator set from a remote position, make contact
between the stop terminal and common terminal of
the remote control terminal board (fig. 2-9). As soon
as the unit stops, break contact.
(2) Disconnect the load cable and ground ca-
(3) Disconnect the auxiliary fuel hose and ex-
haust piping, as applicable.
(4) Remove all anchoring devices.
(5) See that all tools and equipment assigned
to the unit are clean and are in serviceable condi-
b. Handling Equipment.
(1) If the site for operation is reasonably close,
the generator set may be carried or skidded.
(2) If the generator set is to be transported by
carrier, see that it is properly blocked and tied down
to prevent damage by its shifting during transit.
4-5. Reinstallation after Movement.
The instructions for reinstallation after move-
ment are the same as outlined in paragraph 4-2.