TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
Section V.
4-12. General.
a. The generator set shall be inspected and ser-
viced to ensure that it is ready for use at all times.
The necessary weekly, monthly, and semi-annual
preventive maintenance services to be performed
are listed in table 4-2. The item numbers indicate
the sequence of the minimum inspection require-
ments. All faults noted during the inspection or ser-
vice will be recorded on DA Form 2404. TM 38-750
should be consulted for complete information on use
of DA Form 2404.
b. Defects discovered during operation will be
noted for future correction. Stop operation immedi-
ately if a deficiency is noted which would damage
the equipment. All deficiencies and shortcomings
will be recorded together with the corrective actions
taken on the applicable form. Air Force users shall
refer to the applicable inspection manuals and work
card sets in the TO 35C2-3-1-426 series for periodic
requirements and table 4-2 for detailed procedures.
Marine Corps users should refer to current issue of
TM 11275-15/1.
c. (A, N, MC) Preventive Maintenance Checks
and Services.
Table 4-2 contains a. tabulated listing of PMCS
which shall be performed by the Organizational per-
sonnel. The item numbers are listed consecutively
and indicate the sequence of minimu
4-13. Organizational Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance Checks
and Services.
For preventive maintenance checks and services
that are applciable to organizational maintenance,
refer to table 4-2.