(7) Orientation Instructions. When con-
structing the revetment, the orientation of the
structure will be such that its entrance will face the
prevailing wind (fig. 4-1). The generator will be
centered within the revetment and will be posi-
tioned so that the long axis of the generator set is
parallel to the long axis of the revetment. In addi-
tion, the generator end of the generator set will be
positioned next to the entrance. These instructions
are very important and will be observed so that
TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
proper cooling and ventilation will be obtained
when the unit is operated in a revetment.
(8) Multiple-Unit Installation. No more
than one generator set will be operated in a re-
vetment. Also, no other heat generating equipment
will be placed in a revetment with a generator set.
4-3. Equipment Conversion.
For conversion of the generator set to a different
voltage or phasing requirement, refer to figure 2-4
and to table 4-1.