TS 6115-332-14/4-4
(3) Foundation and Drainage. If the gener-
ator set is attached to a shipping pallet, the pallet
will provide an adequate foundation. If not, use
planks, timbers, logs, ammunition boxes, or other
available material to prevent the skids of the frame
from sinking into soft earth or sand. In no case
should the foundation exceed a height of 6 icnhes
(15.2 cm) nor should the generator set be tilted at
an angle of more than 15 degrees in any direction.
Provide drainage to ensure runoff of any water in a
direction away from the generator set and out of the
revetment through drain holes located at the inside
ground level. Where there is no natural slope for the
water to run away from the revetment, provide a
sump and drainage trench for each drain hole in a
location outside of the revetment.
(4) Wall Construction. The walls of the re-
vetment may be constructed of sand bags, ammuni-
tion boxes filled with sand or dirt, or any other ma-
terial available. The wall height should not exceed
TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
0.9 meter (3.0 feet), as shown by figure 4-3 and the
walls should be constructed as shown by figure 4-4.
(5) Roof Construction. The roof may be sup-
orted by any means available, but should be 0.3
meter (1.00 foot) above the wall of the revetment
and should provide as much open space around the
top of the wall as possible. Refer to figures 4-2, 4-3,
4-4, 4-5 ,and 4-6. Preferred materials for use in roof
construction consists of 2 pieces of lumber (4 x 4
inches) (10.2 cm) or logs (4 inches in diameter) (10.2
cm) meters (10.0 feet) long, and the necessary cross
pieces of lumber, logs, or steel plating to cover the
entire roof area as shown by figure 4-6. These cross
pieces should be about 2.4 meters (8.0 feet) long. If
the above materials are not readily available, any
available material of a similar nature may be used.
The thickness of the roof (figs. 4-2 and 4-5) will de-
pend upon the amount and type of protection de-
sired. Take care to ensure that the roof is properly
supported to carry the additional weight, when ad-
ding additional protective material.
Figure 4-4. Revetment, perspective without roof.
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