TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
unit for operation as described in the
subparagraphs that follow:
(2) Site Selection. Consider the
following factors when selecting and
preparing an installation site for the
generator set.
(a) Distance to Load. To re-
duce transmission line voltage losses,
position the generator set as close as
is reasonably possible to the load.
(b) Shelter.
Even though the
generator set is weather resistant, it
should be located in an adequate shelter
that will protect it from inclement
Provide a shelter that will
it from inclement weather.
Provide a shelter that is ventilated to
allow heated air and exhaust fumes to
Depending upon the ambient
temperature range and upon whether the
installation is to be temporary, semi-
or permanent, provide
facilities to maintain a reasonable
temperature in the area around the
If the
unit is
used in a
closed building or other closed shelter,
pipe the exhaust gases to the outside.
When a spark arrester is required the
installation procedure will be on the
instruction sheet furnished with the
spark arrester kit located on page 25,
TM 5-6115-332-24P.
The United States Forestry
Service requires that any en-
gine driven equipment opera-
ting within National Forests
or Parks be provided with
spark arresters for the
ance of forest fires.
Do not operate the generator
set in an enclosed building
unless the exhaust gases are
piped to the outside. Exhaust
gases contain carbon monoxide,
a poisonous, odorless, color-
less gas.
4-2Change 1
(c) Access.
Provide enough
clearance around the generator set to
facilitate operation and maintenance
(d) Fuel Supply.
Provide a
adequate supply of clean fuel to meet
requirements based on operation time.
Consider installation of the tanks
underground if the installation will be
longer that temporary. Locate the tanks
as near the shelter as practicable and
be certain that the bottoms of the tanks
are not lower than four feet (120 cm)
from the fuel pump on the installed
generator set.
Connect the fuel line
from the external source to the fuel
selector valve.
Provide for the exclu-
sion of dirt and moisture.
( e ) S u p p o r t
Be certain that
the bearing surface used can support the
weight of the generator set.
(f) Foundation. Since the unit
is of the portable type, no foundation
should normally be required.
position the unit on reasonable firm,
dry ground using planks, timbers, or a
suitable gravel base,
as available
conditions warrant.
Provide for water
drainage away from the unit.
( g ) M o u n t i n g .
P o s i t i o n t h
unit so that it is level in both planes
and so that the frame is supported on
its entire bottom surface.
If neces-
sary, the frame may be secured to a
suitable base.
( 3
) Electrical Connections.
All internal electrical connections for
proper operation of the generator sets
have been made at the time of manufac-
If it appears that changes have
been made in the wiring, refer
matter to Direct Support Maintenance.
(a) Power Transmission Cables.
Use cable with a minimum wire size of
No. 8 AWG.
This size will give a
voltage drop of about 1 volt per 25 feet
(750 cm) of cable when the unit is
operated at full load.
If the distance
to the load is great, increase the wire
size to No. 6 to No. 4 to minimize
voltage drop.