(2) Remote Mode Stopping. To stop the gen-
erator set from a remote position, make contact be-
tween the stop terminal and common terminal of
the remote control terminal board (fig. 2-9). A soon
as the unit stops, break contact.
d. Operation of Equipment.
(1) General. When the unit is operating and
is connected to a load the generator normally oper-
ates at the selected voltage, a value that will be in-
dicated by the voltmeter. The operator must be ob-
servant of the generator set, pay particular
attention to any unusual sounds that may indicate
malfunction. In case of such an event, stop the unit
and report the condition to organizational mainte-
(2) Operation.
(a) Start the engine (para. 2-2b).
(b) Adjust the governor to achieve a reading
of 60 Hz on the model MEP-017A unit or a reading
of 400 Hz on the model MEP-022A unit (fig. 2-12).
(c) Observe the voltmeter (fig. 2-3). Turn
the knob of the voltage adjusting rheostat (fig. 2-3).
if necessary, until the proper voltage is attained, as
indicated by the voltmeter.
TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
If voltage does not build up. exercising care not to
touch electrical contacts, momentarily depress the
field flash switch (fig.2-5).
(d) Position the circuit breaker (fig. 2-3) in
the ON position.
(e) Again, observe the voltmeter and adjust
the voltage adjusting rheostat to attain the proper
voltage, if necessary.
(f) Position the ammeter phase selector
switch (fig. 2-3) in each of the three positions in
turn, and at the same time observe the current indi-
cator meter (fig. 2-3). The meter should not give an
indication greater than 100% in any phase with any
type load. With a straight, resistive load, such as in-
candescent lighting, it should not exceed 80% (100%
at 1.0 power factor). If the meter indicates a load
greater than these values in any phase, reduce the
load. Balance the load on each of the three phases, if
(g) Position the voltage selector switch
(fig. 2-3) in each of the six positions, in turn, and ob-
tain a voltmeter reading in each of the six positions.
If the voltage drops under load, the voltage regu-
lator is defective. Report the condition to or
ganizational maintenance.
Section II.
2-3. General
A blowtorch that is specifically designed for pre-
heating the engine is available for issue. It is nor-
mally to be used at temperatures below -25°F
(-31.7°C). Refer to paragraph 2-4 for the operating
instructions and special precautions that apply to
the use of the blowtorch.
2-4. Blowtorch
a. Description. The blowtorch is a multifuel
pump-type torch. It has a fuel capacity of one pint.
hold the flame in any one spot. Keep
heat and flame away from non-
metallic parts. When cranking with
the starter, do not crank longer than 8
seconds. Allow 2 minutes for the
starter to cool, between cranking
b. Operation and Service. For blowtorch oper-
ation and service instructions, refer to figure 2-11.
It is used to preheat the engine crankcase, cylinder
heads, intake manifold, and aid intake preheater.
When using a torch for preheating,
play the flame back and forth. Do not
Play the flame back and forth over the cylinder
heads and intake manifold, briefly, then play the
flame over the air intake preheater for 1 or 2
minutes. While still applying heat, crank the en-
gine. If the engine fails to start after several tries,
apply heat to the drive end of the magnets briefly
and then to the exposed surfaces of the oil pan for
about 5 minutes. Extended cranking with the choke
closed will cause flooding of the engine. If this
happens, remove, dry and reinstall the spark plugs.
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