TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
Section II.
3-3. General
a. The generator is equipped with a sealed bearing
3-4. Detailed Lubrication Information
that does not require lubrication.
Refer to TM 5-2805-258-14 for detailed lubrication
b. (F) Air Force personnel refer to the lubrication
instructions covering the 10 hp MIL-STD Engine.
section of applicable TO 35C2-3-1-426 WC-Series
Section III.
3-5. General
Class I
To insure the generator is ready for operation at all
times, it must be inspected systematically so that
defects may be discovered and corrected before they
Class II
result in serious damage or failure. The necessary
preventive maintenance services will be performed
before operation. Defects discovered during operation
will be noted for future correction, to be made as soon
Class 11:
as operation has ceased. Stop operation immediately
if a deficiency is noted during operation that would
damage the equipment if operation were continued.
All deficiencies and shortcomings will be recorded,
together with the corrective action taken on the ap-
plicable form, at the earliest possible opportunity.
Marine Corps users should refer to current issue of
TM 11275-15/1.
3-6. Operators Preventive Maintenance Checks and
Tables 3-2 list the preventive Checks and Services
which must be performed by the operator in the inter-
vals and sequence indicated.
Seepage of fluid (as indicated by
wetness or discoloration) not great
enough to form drops.
Leakage of fluid great enough to form
drops but not enough to cause drops
to drip from item being checked/
Leakage of fluid great enough to form
drops that fall from the item being
Equipment operation is allowable with
minor leakages (Class I or II). Of course,
you must consider the fluid capacity in the
item/system being checked/inspected.
When in doubt, notify your supervisor.
When operating with Class I or Class II
leaks, continue to check fluid levels as re-
quired in your PMCS.
Leakage definitions for operator/crew
PMCS shall be classified as follows:
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