TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
(7) Remote-Local Switch. The remote-local
switch (fig. 2-3) is a two- position toggle switch lo-
cated slightly left of center in the upper part of the
control panel.
(8) Emergency Run-Stop Switch. The emer-
gency stop-run switch (fig. 2-3) is a three-position
toggle switch, located at the left center of the con-
trol panel.
(9) Start-Stop Switch. The start-stop switch
(fig. 2-3) is a three- position, momentary-type tog-
gle switch that is located left of center at the bot-
tom of the control panel.
(10) Oil Pressure Indicator. The oil pressure
indicator (fig. 2-3) is calibrated from 0 to 60 psi and
is located at the left center of the control panel. The
normal readings range from 20 psi at approximately
1/4 rated speed to a maximum of 60 psi at rated gov-
erned speed.
(11) Time Totalizing Meter. The time total-
izing meter (fig. 2-3) is located at the upper left cor-
ner of the control panel.
(12) Battery Charging Ammeter. The bat-
tery charging ammeter (fig. 2-3) is located at the
lower left corner of the control panel. The instru-
ment is calibrated from 0 to +15 and 0 to -15 am-
peres. When the battery is fully charged and the
unit is operating, the ammeter needle should nor-
mally rest at a position slightly on the + side of 0.
(13) Output Selector Switch. The output se-
lector switch (fig. 2-4) is a four-position rotary-type
switch located inside the control box near the cen-
tral right side of the control box.