b. Engines. For description of the Military Stan-
dard Engines refer to TM 5-2805-258-14.
c. Generators.
(1) Generator Set Model MEP-017A. The
generator (fig. 1-1) provided with the Model MEP-
017A generator set has a 2-pole rotor with a brush-
less rotating exciter rotor section mounted on the
same shaft. The generator is rated at 5 kw (kilo-
watts), 0.8 pf (power factor), 60 HZ (hertz) at 3,6000
rpm (revolutions per minute). The generator output
characteristics are as follows: 120/240 volts, single
phase, two wire; 120 volts, three phase, three wire;
and 120/208 volts, three phase, four wire.
(2) Generator Set Model MEP-022A. The
generator (fig. 1-3) provided with the model MEP-
022A generator set has a 14-pole rotor with a brush-
less rotating exciter rotor section mounted on the
same shaft. The generator is rated at 5 kw, 0.8 pf,
400 hz at a speed of approximately 3428 rpm. The
generator output characteristics are as follows: 120/
240 volts, single phase, two wire; 120 volts, three
phase, three wire; and 120/208 volts, three phase,
four wire.
d. Control Boxes. The control box for each of the
generator sets is similar. They contain the neces-
sary controls, instruments and other electrical com-
ponents that are required for operation of the elec-
trical portion of the generator sets.
1-10. Tabulated Data
a. Identification. The generator sets are pro-
vided with three identification plates. The infor-
mation contained on thses plates and their location
is as follows:
(1) U.S. Army Identification Plate.
plate is located on the top of the control box bracket
near the tool box. It specifies:
Generator set model number.
Stock No. (number).
Generator set serial No.
Mfr. (manufacturer).
Generator model number.
Operating volts, ph (phase) amp (amperes)
kw kilowatts), kva (kilovolt-amperes), pf
TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
(power factor), cy (cycles) or hz (hertz) and
rpm (revolutions per minute). Cont. No.
(contract number).
Lg (length), width, hgt (height), and wt
(weight). Eng mfg (engine manufacturer)
model, and ser No.
(2) Generator Nameplate. The plate is lo-
cated on the right side of the generator stator hous-
ing at a point above the support bracket. It
NSN (National stock number)
KW (kilowatts).
Cps or Hz (cycles per second or hertz).
PF (power factor).
Mfr (manufacturer).
Serial No. (number).
(3) Engine Nameplate. The engine plate is
located on the upper side of the flywheel housing. It
contains information on the manufacturer, model,
nomenclature, National stock number and displace-
b. Wiring Diagram. Refer to figure FO-1 and
FO-2 for the wiring diagram for the Model MEP-
017A generator set and to figure FO-3 and FO-4 for
the wiring diagram for the Model MEP-022A gener-
ator set.
c. Engine Electrical System. The engine elec-
trical system functions in conjunction with several
of the generator set controls and other components.
The system is of the 24-volt, negative, ground-type.
d. Dimensions and Weight.
(1) Model MEP-017A. For dimensions and
weight, refer to figure 1-1.
(2) Model MEP-022A. For demensions and
weight, refer to figure 1-3.
e. Base Plan. The base plan provides dimensions
for a base that may be prepared in advance of the in-
stallation of the generator set. The base may be con-
structed of wood planking or a concrete pad may be
prepared, as desired. For the base plan, refer to fig-
ure 1-5.