TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
1-5. Levels of Maintenance Accomplishments
a. (A,MC) Army and Marine Corps users shall
refer to the Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC)
for tasks and levels of maintenance to be per-
b. (F) Air Force users shall accomplish main-
tenance at the user level consistent with their
capability in accordance with policies established
in AFM 66-1.
c. (N) Navy users shall determine their main-
tenance levels in accordance with their service
1-6. (A, MC) Destruction of Materiel
To Prevent Enemy Use
a. Fire. Use fire to destroy equipment when
quantities of fuel and flammable materials are at
Burn assemblies and components on a
priority basis, if possible. Proper concentration
of equipment to be burned will produce a hotter,
more destructive fire.
Fires should be lit after
mechanical destruction has been accomplished.
b. Gunfire.
Fire on equipment with the
heaviest weapons available aiming at the major
assemblies and controls. Continue fire until the
equipment is completely destroyed.
c. Mechanical Destruction.
Using an axe,
pick, mattock, sledge or any other heavy imple-
ments, damage or destroy all vital elements such as
controls, and any other major assemblies and
d. For further information, refer to TM 750-
244-3 (Procedures for Destruction of Equip-
ment to Prevent Enemy Use for U.S. Army.
1-7. Administrative Storage
If the generator sets must be placed in adminis-
trative storage, proceed as follows:
a. (A) Army.
(1) Store equipment so as to provide max-
imum protection from the elements and to provide
access for inspection, maintenance, and exercising.
removal or deployment problems
and take suitable precautions.
For example,
strategically locate recovery vehicles, snowplows,
slave-units, and similar items, likely to be needed
on short notice.
(2) Take into account environmental con-
ditions, such as extreme heat or cold; high humi-
dity; blowing sand, dust, or loose debris; soft
ground; mud; heavy snows; earthquakes; or com-
binations thereof and take adequate precautions.
(3) Establish a fire plan and provide for
adequate fire fighting equipment and personnel.
(4) For further information, refer to TM
740-90-1 (Administrative Storage).
b. (AF) Air Force. Refer to TO 35-1-4 (Pro-
cessing and Inspection of Aerospace Ground
c. (MC) Marine Corps. Refer to MCO-P4450-7.
1-8. Preparation For Shipment and Storage
a. (A) Army. Shipment and storage for U.S.
Army will be in accordance with the following:
(1) Select the best available site for admin-
istrative storage. Separate stored equipment from
equipment in use. Conspicuously mark the area
Administrative Storage.
(2) Covered space is preferred. When suf-
ficient covered space for all items to be stored
is not available, priority should be given to items
which are most susceptible to deterioration from
the elements.
(3) Open site should be improved hard-
stand, if available.
Unimproved sites should be
firm, well drained, and kept free of excessive
(4) Truck, vans, Conex containers, and
other containers may be used if they provide the
best available protection.
(5) Prior to storage, perform the next
scheduled major preventive maintenance service.
(6) For further information, refer t
TB 740-97-2 (Preservation of USATSARCOM
Mechanical Equipment for Shipment and Storage).
b. (F) Air Force. Reference TO 35-1-4 for end
item generator set and TO 38-1-5 for installed
c. (N, MC) Navy and Marine Corps. Reference
individual service directives for requirements.
d. Placement of equipment in administrative
storage should be for short periods of time when a
storage of maintenance effort exists. Items should
be in mission readiness within 24 hours or within
the time factors are determined by the directing
authority. During the storage period appropriate
maintenance records will be kept.
e. Before placing equipment in administrative
storage, current maintenance services and equip-
ment serviceable criteria (ESC) evaluations should
be corrected and all modification work orders
(MWOs) should be applied.
f. Storage site selection. Inside storage is
preferred for items selected for administrative
storage. If inside storage is not available, trucks,
vans, conex containers and other containers may
be used.
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