TM 5-6115-329-14
TO 35C2-3-440-1
Section IV.
4-9. General
a. This section contains lubrication instructions
Proper preventive maintenance observation and ad-
which are supplemental to and not specifically cov-
herence will prolong the life of the generator set.
ered in the lubrication order illustrated in figure 3-
4-10. Detailed Lubrication Infor-
1. Army personnel should refer to DA Pam 310-4 to
insure the latest edition of the LO is used. Air Force
Refer to TM 5-2805-256-14 for detailed lubri -
personnel use the lubrication section of applicable
cation information for the MIL-STD Engine model
TO 35C2-3-1-426 WC-series workcards.
1A08-3. Air Force personnel refer to TO 38G2-102-2.
b. Carefully inspect the generator set to insure
that proper specifications have been met as re-
quested in the lubrication order.
Section V.
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS)
4-11. General
a. To insure that the generator set is ready for
operation at all times, it must be inspected system-
atically so defects may be discovered and corrected
before they result in serious damage or failure. The
necessary preventive maintenance checks and ser-
vices that are to be performed by organizational
maintenance personnel are listed and described in
the following paragraph. Defects discovered during
operation will be noted for future correction. Stop
operation immediately if a deficiency is noted which
would damage the equipment. All deficiencies and
shortcomings will be recorded together with the cor-
rective actions taken on the applicable form. Air
Force users shall refer to the applicable inspection
manuals and work card sets in the TO35C2-3-1-426
WC series for periodic requirements.
b. (A, N) Preventive Maintenance Checks and
Services. Table 4-1 contains a tabulated listing of
PMCS which shall be performed by organizational
maintenance personnel. The item numbers are
listed consecutively and indicate sequence of mini-
mum requirements.
4-12. Preventive Maintenance Checks
and Services
a. Preventive Maintenance is performed by
organizational maintenance personnel at weekly
and quarterly intervals. The quarterly interval will
be equivalent to 3 calendar months or 250 hours of
operation whichever comes first. All deficiencies
which are beyond the capabilities of organizational
maintenance must be reported to Direct Support
b. Table 4-1 contains a tabulated list of preven-
tive maintenance checks and services which must
be performed by organizational maintenance per-
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