TM 5-6115-329-14
TO 35C2-3-440-1
Section I.
4-1. Inspecting and Servicing the
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
area. Avoid inhalation of solvent
fumes and prolonged exposure of skin
to cleaning solvent. Wash exposed
skin thoroughly. Dry cleaning solvent
(Fed. Spec. P-D-680) used to clean
parts is potentially dangerous to per-
sonnel and property. Do not use near
open flame or excessive heat. Flash
point of solvent is 100° to 138°F. (38° to
59oC. ).
a. Unpacking Equipment
(1) General. The equipment will be un-
packed by the operator with assistance of or-
ganizational personnel.
(2) Uncrating. Remove any banding that is
present. Observe necessary caution not to damage
the generator set as it is unpacked.
(3) Removing Preservatives
(a) Remove tape used to seal all openings.
(b) Remove paper and other packing or
cushioning material from all assemblies.
(c) Use dry cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-
D-680) to remove compound sprayed over metal sur-
faces. Remove rust and corrosion inhibitors.
(d) Depreserve engine per DA Form 2258.
b. Inspection
(1) Make positive identification of the name-
plates on the generator set.
(2) Inspect the generator set thoroughly for
cracks, rust, dents, and other damage which may
have developed during shipment.
(3) Use the packing list and check the gener-
ator set and equipment to insure all items are ac-
counted for, and are in working condition.
(4) Inspect for loose connections, loose or miss-
ing hardware on the generator set and the com-
(5) Crank the engine slowly with the starting
rope to ensure all moving parts are free of re-
(6) Correct all deficiencies. All deficiencies
noted beyond the responsibility of organizational
maintenance shall be reported to Direct Support
c. Servicing.
(1) Use the current lubrication order to lubri-
cate the generator set. Air Force personnel use the
lubrication section of applicable TO 35C2-3-1-426
WC-series workcards.
(2) Inspect the air cleaner, clamps and hose
connections. Tighten any loose clamps, and insure
the air cleaner hoses are in working condition.
(3) Inspect the flywheel cover and accessories.
Correct any sign of visual defects and secure loose
mounting screws and nuts.
(4) Make a visual inspection on the carbu-
retor, fuel lines, gasket, mounting screws, and exte-
rior paint. Make these minor repairs immediately,
or record and notify field maintenance.
(5) Inspect the governor, mounting screws,
coverplate, shield, clamps, control rod housing, and
the low tension cable assembly. Tighten any loose
connections or screws.
(6) Inspect the magneto, coverplate, shield,
and mounting screws. Tighten if loose, insure that
parts are secure.
(7) Inspect the military engine fuel pump,
fuel lines, mounting screws, clamps and nuts. Check
the exterior painting for chips, cracks or discol-
oration. Repaint if necessary. Keep all fuel lines
clear and intact.
(8) Check the fuel filter, input and output fuel
lines and fittings. Insure that filter is secure and
properly mounted.
(9) Check the starting rope assembly. Insure
that the cutouts for rope are smooth, and are not
bent, chipped, or full of burrs. Straighten where
necessary, and remove burrs with emery cloth or
file and repaint with proper touch-up paint.
(10) Make a visual inspection of the generator
set and tighten any loose connections, clamps, nuts
or screws. Correct any minor deficiency or repair. If
minor repairs cannot be made at this time, make re-
port to the supervisor and list the pertinent number
of repairs, listing the part number and National
Stock Number and its directly related serial num-
ber of DOD generator set.