TS 6115-329-14/4-8
TM 5-6115-329-14
TO 35C2-3-440-1
Figure 4-8. Equipment conversion.
g. Alignment Instructions. When constructing
h. Multiple Installations. No more than one
the revetment, the orientation of the revetment will
generator set will be installed within each re-
be such that its entrance is facing into the direction,
vetment. Also, no other heat generating equipment
of the prevailing wind (fig. 4-1). Each generator set
will be placed in the revetment with a generator set.
will be located within the revetment so that its long
axis is parallel to the long axis of the revetment and
4-4. Voltage Selection
is centered within the revetment. In addition, the
The generator set DOD models MEP-019A and
generator end will be towards the entrance. These
MEP-014A have both 120 and 240 volt output capa-
instructions are very important and must be ob-
bility, except sets manufactured by Bucknell, serial
served to obtain maximum ventilation and cooling
number range SB71-0001 through SB71-0177 which
benefits when operating in a revetment.
has 120 volt capability only. Refer to figure 4-8 for
conversion instructions.