TS 6115-329-14/4-7
TM 5-6115-329-14
TO 35C2-3-440-1
f. Miscellaneous Construction. A compart-
ment should be constructed for fuel storage outside
of the revetment as shown in figures 4-1 and 4-4.
The size of the fuel storage area will depend upon
the size of the fuel container being used. Since air
temperatures within the revetment will build up
considerably above the outside ambient tem-
perature when the generator set is operating, al-
ways locate the fuel supply outside the revetment to
minimize safety hazards associated with gasoline at
high temperatures. For the same reason, it is recom-
mended that the integral fuel tanks with which
some generator sets are equipped, not be used. The
exhaust from the generator set is to be ducted out of
the revetment. The installation should be similar to
that shown in figure 4-7. If flexible pipe is not avail-
able to use for an exhaust extension, a piece of ex-
haust pipe or any other similar material maybe uti-
lized. The point at which the exhaust discharge goes
through the revetment wall depends entirely upon
the equipment that is available. The exhaust may or
may not be discharged into an external chimney
constructed as shown in figure 4-1. This chimney
will aid in ducting the exhaust gases away from the
revetment and will reduce the noise level. A re-
vetment doorway shield must be constructed as
shown in figures 4-1, 4-2, and 4-6. This shield is a
wall, 3.0 feet (0.91 meters) high and 7.5 feet (2.26
meters) long, constructed in a manner similar to the
revetment walls to prevent direct entrance of pro-
jectiles or fragments through the doorway into the
Figure 4-7. Revetment, exhaust duct.