TM 5-6115-329-14
TO 35C2-3-440-1
Section I.
9-1. General
The control panel assembly houses the necessary
instruments and controls needed for the operation
of the generator set. They include the voltage regu-
lator, terminal board assembly, rectifiers, volt-
meter, load switch, rheostat, duplex receptacle, ter-
minal load, percent load meter (DOD model MEP-
024A only), radio interference suppression com-
ponents, and wiring. All components are accessible
by raising the hinged panel.
9-2. Panel Assembly
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
area. Avoid inhalation of solvent
fumes and prolonged exposure of skin
to cleaning solvent. Wash exposed
skin thoroughly. Dry cleaning solvent
(Fed. Spec.- P-D-680) used tO clean
parts is potentially dangerous to per-
sonnel and property. Do not use near
open flame or excessive heat. Flash
point of solvent is 100° to 138°F. (38° to
a. Removal. Refer to figure 6-2 and the follow-
ing instructions to remove the control panel assem-
(1) Tag and disconnect leads from the termi-
nal board.
Section II.
9-3. General
Refer to TM 11-483 for definitions, purposes,
source and methods used to obtain proper radio
9-4. Interference Suppression Com-
The capacitor mounted in the control panel as-
sembly is an isolated case, 0.1 microfarad, 600 volt,
direct-current, 125° Centigrade capacitor.
(2) Tag and disconnect leads from the control
panel assembly.
(3) Remove screw from ground strap.
(4) Remove screws, washers, and nuts secu-
ring the control box assembly to the control panel
mounting bracket and remove the control box as-
b. Cleaning.
(1) Clean the components of the control panel
assembly using a clean lint- free cloth and dry low
pressure compressed air.
(2) Clean control panel with a clean cloth
dampened in cleaning solvent, Fed. Spec. P-D-680,
and dry thoroughly.
Do not allow cleaning solvent to come
into contact with components of the
control panel assembly.
c. Inspection and Repair.
Inspect control
panel for dents, breaks, distortion, or other damage.
Straighten dents and distortion. Replace a control
panel damaged beyond repair.
d. Installation.
(1) Position control box assembly in place on
mounting bracket and attach with screws, washers,
and nuts.
(2) Attach ground strap.
(3) Reconnect leads to control panel and ter-
minal board (fig. 6-2).
9-5. Replacement of Suppression Com-
a. Removal.
(1) Refer to paragraph 9-2 a. and remove con-
trol panel assembly.
(2) Refer to figure 9-1 and the following in-
structions to remove radio interference suppression
Tag leads.
Remove nuts securing leads.
Drill out rivet and remove capacitor.