TM 5-6115-329-14
TO 35C2-3-440-1
8-1. General
The frame assembly which is of welded tubular
design, provides a means by which to move the gen-
erator set and also provides a housing to inclose the
engine, main generator, generator control panel
and fuel tank. Four (4) shock mounts are utilized to
absorb vibration when the generator set is
8-2. Frame
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
area. Avoid inhalation of solvent
fumes and prolonged exposure of skin
to cleaning solvent. Wash exposed
skin thoroughly. Dry cleaning solvent
(Fed. Spec. P-D-680) used to clean
parts is potentially dangerous to per-
sonnel and property. Do not use near
open flame or excessive heat. Flash
point of solvent is 100° to 138°F. (38° to
59°C. ).
a. Removal. Refer to figure 6-1 and the follow-
ing instructions to remove the frame.
(1) Remove bolts from shock mounts.
(2) Remove engine-generator from carrying
b. Cleaning. Clean the frame assembly using
cleaning solvent, Fed. Spec. P-D-680, and dry thor-
c. Inspection and Repair. Inspect frame as-
sembly for cracks, dents, distortion, breaks, or for
broken welds. Straighten distortion, weld cracks or
breaks and grind smooth. Replace a frame that is
damaged beyond repair.
d. Painting. Spot paint or repaint frame assem-
bly as required. Refer to TM 43-0139 for painting
instructions. Air Force personnel refer to TO 35-1-3.
e. Installation.
(1) Position engine-generator in carrying
(2) Secure by installing bolts into shock
8-3. Shock Mounts
a. Removal. Refer to figure 6-1 and the follow-
ing instructions to remove the shock mounts.
(1) Remove bolts from shock mounts securing
engine-generator in carrying frame.
(2) Remove engine-generator from carrying
(3) Remove bolts and washers securing shock
mounts in mounting brackets.
(4) Remove shock mounts.
b. Cleaning. Clean the shock mounts using a
clean cloth.
c. Inspection and Repair. Inspect shock
mounts for cracks, breaks, chunking, dry rot, miss-
ing rubber or for an oil soaked condition. Replace
defective mounts.
d. Installation.
(1) Secure shock mounts to mounting brack-
ets with washers and bolts.
(2) Position engine-generator in carrying
frame and secure to frame by installing bolts into
shock mounts.