TM 5-6115-323-14
4-24. General
The generator sets, both the AC and DC units,
are each equipped with a control box mounted
over the generator. They provide a housing for
the components required to control the electrical
functions of the generator and they provide a
mounting point for the operators controls and
instruments and the power output terminals. The
control boxes are similar in general appearance
and function. However, several of the components,
within, differ between the two units. Also, the AC
unit control box contains several more compo-
nents than is contained in the DC units. The
components within the two control boxes that are
the responsibility of organizational maintenance
are covered separately, for the AC and DC units,
by paragraphs in this section.
4-25. Control Box Components (AC Unit)
a. Test. Test the AC control box components as
(1) Voltmeter.
(a) Remove load cables from load terminals.
(b) Start the generator set.
(c) Position load switch to ON position.
(d) With a multimeter, measure the output
voltage across the load terminals to verify voltage
on the set voltmeter. Voltage should not vary
more than 5%.
(e) If voltage variation exceeds 5%, replace
the voltmeter.
(2) Voltage Changeover Switch.
(a) With the power off, disconnect the volt-
age changeover switch.
(b) Position switch on 120 V setting and
check continuity between the center terminal and
the 120 V terminal.
(c) Position switch on 240 V setting and
check continuity between the center terminal and
the 240 V terminal.
(d) If a malfunctioning open circuit is indi-
cated on either position, replace the switch.
(3) Load Switch.
(a) Stop generator set and disconnect termi-
nals to load switch.
(b) With a multimeter, check the continuity
of the load switch. OFF position will indicate an
open circuit; ON position will indicate a short
(c) If the above readings are not obtained,
replace the load switch.
b. Removal. Refer to figure 4-17 and remove the
control box components.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all parts thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the variable resistor knob for
cracks and stripped thread.
(3) Inspect the voltmeter and frequency me-
ter for signs of burning, broken or cracked glass,
water damage, and other damage.
(4) Inspect the terminal boards for cracks and
burned areas.
(5) Inspect the load and voltage changeover
toggle switches for proper operation, signs of
burning, loose wire contacts, stripped threads, and
other damage.
(6) Inspect the receptacle connector for loose
connections, signs of burning and other damage.
(7) Replace all defective parts.
d. Installation. Refer to figure 4-17 and install
the control box components.
4-26. Control Box Components (DC Unit)
a. Test. Test the DC control box components as
(1) Voltmeter.
(a) Remove load cables from load terminals.
(b) Start the generator set.
(c) Position the circuit breaker to the ON
(d) With a multimeter, measure the output
voltage across load terminals to verify the voltage
on the set voltmeter. Voltage should not vary
more than 4 volts.
(e) If voltage variation exceeds 4 volts, then
replace the voltmeter.
(2) Load Meter.,
(a) Connect a load of known wattage and
proper voltage output terminals of the generator
set. Maximum load is 1500 watts.
(b) Start the generator and place circuit
breaker in ON position. Observe the reading on
the set load meter. Meter should indicate accord-
ing to the load attached, i.e., 375 watts-25%; 750
watts-50%, etc.
(c) If the load meter does not read within
specifications, replace it.
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