TM 5-6115-323-14
TO 35C2-3-385-1
(3) Replacc defective ground terminal.
(4) Replace lost or broken terminal clip(retainer,
safety clip). For fabrication procedures, see Chapter 4,
Section X Maintenance of the Control Box Assembly,
paragraph 4-27.
c. Installation. Refer to figure 49 and install
the ground terminal.
4-19. Ground Strap
a. Removal. Refer to figure 410 and remove the
ground strap.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean and dry the ground strap thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the ground strap for burncd areas,
frayed spots, broken strands, loose connectors,
and other damage.
(3) Replace a defective ground strap.
c. Installation. Refer to figure 410 and install
the ground strap.
Figure 410. Ground strap, removal and installation.
(2) Inspect the ground terminal for evidence of
burning and for cracks, damaged threads, and other
4-20. General
(1) Thoroughly clean and dry all parts.
Thc generator set is provided with an onset
(2) Inspect the hose for cracks and for a
fuel tank. Fuel from the tank flows, by means of a
frayed cover. Inspect the fittings on the ends for
hose and the necessary fittings and adapters, to
cracks and damaged threads.
the fuel selector valve. The fuel selector valve and
(3) Inspect the fuel selector valve for cracks,
fuel filter are both mounted directly on the engine
distortion, damaged threads, and other damage.
fuel pump by means of a pipe nipple. All of the
(4) Inspect the fuel filter for cracks and dam-
generator sets that have been manufactured on
aged threads. Inspect the bowl for chipped areas,
or before May 1969 have been equipped with
especially at the top seating surface. Inspect for
stainless steel fuel tanks. Some subsequent sets
cracks in the side of the bowl. Inspect the bowl for
have nylon fuel tanks and a different mounting
arrangement. If replacement of a steel tank is
(5) Replacec all damaged or defective parts.
required, replace with a nylon tank (NSN 291000-
c. Installation. Refer to figure 411 and install
fuel selector valve, fuel filtcr, and hose.
4-21. Fuel Selector Valve, Fuel Filter, and
4-22. Fuel Tank and Bracket (stainless Steel
a. Removal. Refer to figure 4-11 and remove the
a. Removal.
fuel selector valve, fuel filter and hose.
(1) Disconnect the fuel hose (para 4-21).
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Change 9