TM 5-6115-275-14
NAVFAC P-R-615-14
TO 35C2-:3-452-1
Setting Up Instructions.
General. The generator set may be
installed either indoors or outdoors, with temporary or
permanent mountings. Locate the unit as near as
possible to the load. Make sure the unit is level as
possible. In no case should the generator set be
operated at an angle of more than 15°from level.
permanent installation, construct the base as outlined by
figure 4 :3 Select a site where there will be sufficient
space on all sides for servicing and operation of the unit
For temporary installation, move the generator sets as
close to the worksite as practical. Avoid, if possible,
dusty or sandy locations. Use boards or other material
for a base in areas where the ground is soft.
Indoor Installation; Make sure the floor of
the enclosure is of sufficient strength to support the
weight of the unit. If the installation is to be permanent,
the unit may be installed by securing it to the floor.
Provide at least 4 ft (120 cm) of space around the unit for
accessibility and adequate ventilation. Install a flexible
exhaust line to carry the exhaust gases to the outside.
Use as few bends as possible and make sure all
connections are gas tight. Wrap the exhaust line with
asbestos at all points where there is likelihood of
personnel touching the line. Connect the unit to a
suitable ground as described in (51 below.
Figure 4-3. Base plan.