TM 5-6115-275-14
NAVFAC P-8-615-14
TO 35C2-3-452-1
Dip for 2 minutes in varnish
and drain for 4-6 minutes.
(g) Repeat step e.
(h) Repeat step f.
Repeat step e.
Bake for 4 hours and 30
minutes ± 10 minutes at 300°F. (149°C).
(k) Remove masking and clean
Exciter Field.
(a) To be clean and free of all
foreign matter.
(b) Mask machined surface.
(c) Set oven at 300°F (149°C)
and heat part until it reaches 290°F-300°F . (143°C-
(d) With part at 290°-300°F.
(143°C-149°C.) , dip in varnish for 2 minutes or until
bubbling ceases and drain for 6-8 minutes.
(e) Bake for 70-80 minutes at
300°F. (149°C.).
Dip for 2 minutes in varnish
and drain for 4-6 minutes.
(g) Repeat step e.
(h) Repeat step f.
Repeat step e.
Remove masking and clean
Assembly and Installation.
(1) Install the drive disk plate ( 15, fig. 8-11) to
the alternator rotor (16) and secure with lockwashers
(14) and bolts (13).
(2) Install terminal (11) and screw (10).
(3) Engage exciter rotor (12) and alternator
rotor(l16) by installing lockwashers (9) and screws (8).
(4) Install the rectifiers (7) and leads.
(5) Install key (4).
(6) Install retaining clip (5) to bearing (6).
(7) Install drive disk adapter (3) to the flywheel
housing and secure it with lockwashers (2) and bolts (1).
(8) Position nameplate (8, fig. 8-10) on the
generator housing (9) and secure with four rivets (7).
(9) Install the clip (6) and secure with
lockwasher (5) and screw (4).
(10) Install the air inlet grille (3) and secure with
lockwashers (2) and screws (1).
(11) Install the rotor assembly, figure 8-9.
(12) Install the blower wheel, stator assembly,
and support brackets, figure 8-8.
(13) To install the unit, refer to paragraph 6-2.
Engine and Drip Pan (Model MEP-
(2) Refer to figure 8-12 and remove the engine
drip pan.
(1) Remove the engine (para. 6-2).
U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1991 - 5 5 4 - 0 3 0/ 4 0 1 8 8
8-18 Change 8