TM 5-6115-275-14
NAVFAC P-8-615-14
TO 35C2-3-452-1
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated
area. Avoid inhalation of solvent
fumes and prolonged exposure of
cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680
and P-S-661) used to clean parts is
potentially dangerous to personnel
and property. Do not use near open
flame or excessive heat. Flash point
of solvent is 100°F (38 C).
Clean items with cleaning solvent, Fed.
Spec. P-D-680 or P-S-66 1, and dry thoroughly.
Inspect the ball bearing to be sure it moves
smoothly and quietly and for evidence of excessive wear.
Replace a noisy, loose, or worn ball bearing.
Inspect the rotor shaft at each end for
evidence of nicks, rust, or wear. Use a fine file to remove
rust, burrs, or fine ridges, inspect the rotor assembly to
be sure all windings are properly pressed into the core
slots. Inspect core for wear and replace a badly scored
or defective rotor assembly.
Inspect the field windings and leads for
broken or damaged wires. Inspect the main frame for
damage and broken welds and for nicks and burrs
around the mounting flanges. Remove all defective
wiring that can be replaced without disturbing the main
field windings.
Inspect all hardware for defective threads.
Replace damaged or missing parts.
Inspect the wiring and plug connector for
defects and replace all defective parts.
If the field windings and coils have been
replaced, follow the instructions listed below for
varnishing and baking:
Varnish and
Varnish and baking information is furnished to reinsulate
windings where the varnish has deteriorated or when
windings and coils have been replaced. Varnish shall
conform to Military Specification MIL-V- 1 37A Type M,
Grade CB.
Dipping and Baking Procedure.
Stator (Alternator).
(a) To be clean and free of all
foreign matter.
(b) Mask machined surface.
(c) Set oven at 300°F (149°C)
and heat part until it reaches 290°-300°F. (143°C-
(d) With part at 290°-300°F.
(143°-149°C.), dip in varnish for 2 minutes or until
bubbling ceases and drain for 6-8 minutes.
(e) Bake for from 2 hours to 2
hours and 40 minutes at 300°F. (149°C.).
Dip for 2 minutes in varnish
and drain for 4-6 minutes.
(g) Repeat step e.
(h) Repeat step f.
Repeat step e.
Remove masking and clean
Rotor (Alternator).
(a) To be clean and free of all
foreign matter.
(b) Mack machines surfaces.
(c) Preheat assembly for 3
hours at 260°F(127°C) + 15°-0°F.(-9°C).
(d) Resin to be maintained at
75 ° to 85 °F (24°C. to 29°C). during processing.
(e) Rotate at 15-20 rpm while
assembly is immersed in resin to a depth sufficient to
cover windings. Rotate for 10 minutes minimum while
maintaining copper temperatures at 260°F. (127°C) +
15° (-9°C)-0°F.
resin and continue to rotate for 30 minutes. Maintain
copper temperature at 300°F. (149°C) + 20°-0°F. (-7 C).
(g) With axis of assembly in
vertical position, cure for 1 hour at 300°F (149°C.) +20°-
O0F. (-7°C.), plus 4 hours at 350°F. (177°C.) + 15-0° F.
(h) Remove masking and clean
additional dipping and baking.
Exciter Armature
(a) To be clean and free of all
foreign matter.
(b) Mask machined surface.
(c) Set oven at 300°F (149°C)
and heat part until it reaches 290°F (143°C)- 300°F
(d) With part at 290°-300°F.
(143°C-149°C.), dip in varnish for 2 minutes or until
bubbling ceases and drain for 6-8 minutes.
(e) Bake for 35-45 minutes at
350°F. (177°C.).
Change 8 8-17