TM 5-6115-405-15
a. Turn carburetor mixture adjusting screw (fig. 3-
d. Slowly open (counterclockwise) the carburetor
3) gently clockwise until it just closes against its seat.
mixture adjusting screw 1/8 turn at a time until the
Open it counterclockwise approximately 3/4 turn. This
engine speed again begins to decrease. Note this
preliminary setting will facilitate starting the engine.
e. Make the final adjustment by setting the
b. Start the engine, allow it to warm up, and apply
carburetor mixture adjusting screw midway between the
the load.
two settings noted in steps c and d.
c. Slowly close (clockwise) the carburetor mixture
adjusting screw 1/8 turn at a tine until the engine speed
begins to decrease. Note this setting.