TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
Section VII.
4-17. General Methods Used to Attain
Proper Suppression.
Essentially, suppression is attained by providing a
low resistance path to ground for stray currents.
The methods used include shielding the ignition
and high frequency wires, grounding the frame
with bonding straps, and using capacitors and re-
sistors. For general information on radio sup-
pression, refer to TM 11-483.
4-18. Interference Suppression Com-
The generator set is provided with four
capacitors as primary radio interference sup-
pression components. These are connected to each of
the three generator phases and to the neutral line.
The capacitors are each rated at 0.1 uf, 500 vac.
They are shown in figure 4-20.
Figure 4-20. Replacement of radio interference suppression components.
4-19. Replacement of Suppression
a. Removal. For replacement of radio inter-
ference suppression components, refer to figure 4-20
and the following instructions to remove the capaci-
(1) Tag and disconnect electrical leads from
the capacitor.
(2) Remove the nuts, washers, and screws se-
curing the capacitor to the control box,
(3) Remove the capacitor.
(4) Remove the remaining capacitors in a sim.
ilar manner.
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(1) Clean the capacitors using a clean lint free
(2) Inspect capacitors for corroded terminals,
cracked case or for evidence of overheating.
(3) Replace damaged or defective capacitors
as required,
c. Installation
(1) Position capacitor in place in control box
and secure with screws, waahera, and nuts.
(2) Reconnect leads,
(3) Install remaining capacitors in the same