TM 5-6115-323-14
Section Ill.
2-5. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below 0°F.
(- 18°C.))
a. General. The generator sets are designed for
use in outdoor temperatures as low as 65°F.
(5°C.). Even so, when possible, provide shelter
from winds, freezing rain, and drifting snow.
Erect a wind shield or position the unit behind a
building, equipment, or natural wind barrier such
as a rock or earth mound. If possible, operate the
unit in a location that will provide protection for
the operator so as to permit easier servicing and
better observation of the units performance.
However, when the unit is operated in an inclosed
area, be sure that proper provisions are made for
removal of exhaust gases. Remove accumulated
snow or ice, if possible, by moving the unit to a
heated inclosure and allowing the accumulation to
melt after first wiping or brushing away loose
deposits. When use of a heated inclosure is not
practical, remove the deposits by wiping, brush-
ing, or carefully picking the deposits away. Be
careful not to scrape, scratch, gouge, or in any
other way damage the unit. Avoid moving wiring
as much as possible. Any time ice or snow is
removed by melting, as described above, change
the oil in the crankcase and dry electrical parts
b . E n g i n e ( 2 5 ° F . to 6 5 ° F . ) ( 3 2 ° C .
(1) Lubricate the engine in accordance with
LO 5-2805-257-12. Air Force will use the lubrica-
tion section of applicable T.O. 35C2-3-1-426 Series
work cards.
Use extreme care, when using a torch,
to keep flame away from the fuel tank.
Do not use a torch, if any fuel leaks are
evident, until leaks have been corrected
and both the unit and the surrounding
area is dry of fuel that has leaked.
(2) To aid in starting, apply heat to the en-
gine with a suitable torch, such as a torch that
conforms to MILH52112, Type I (para 2-4). Play
the torch flame back and forth over the intake
manifold, oil pan, valve covers and air intake. Do
not hold the flame in one spot. Keep flame and
heat away from nonmetallic parts.
(3) When the engine has been warmed, at-
tempt to start. If it fails to start, reapply heat, as
2 -
(4) After the engine has been started, keep it
running for at least 30 minutes in order to reduce
condensation of moisture in the crankcase. Avoid
operation for short periods of time.
c. Generator and Controls.
(1) Remove the end cover and clean the cover.
(2) Carefully remove any accumulations of ice
or snow from around the rotor.
(3) When using the generator in extreme cold,
allow at least a 15-minute stabilization period
before applying load to the unit.
(4) Keep generator controls and instruments
free of snow and ice. Avoid moving wiring, to
prevent cracking of insulation.
d. Fuel System.
(1) Keep snow and ice out of the fuel supply.
(2) Keep the fuel tank full when the unit is
not in operation.
(3) Use the proper fuel.
(4) Inspect the bowl of the fuel filter fre-
quently for accumulated moisture and if any is
seen, clean as necessary.
(5) Avoid unnecessary bending of fuel hoses.
26. Operation in Extreme Heat
a. General. Whenever possible, operate the unit
in a shaded location that is away from sources of
heat. If the unit must be used in an area that is
adjacent to a heat source, erect a heat shield or in
some way block the direct source of heat. Provide
plenty of ventilation and vent the exhaust gases
to the outside when the unit is to be operated in
an inclosed area.
b. Engine.
(1) Lubricate the engine in accordance with
LO 5-2805-257-12. Air Force will use the lubrica-
tion section of applicable T.O. 35C23-1-426 Series
(2) Keep all engine air passages clean and
free of obstructions.
c. Generator. Keep the end cover openings clean
and free of obstructions.
d. Generator Controls and Instruments. Keep
openings in the control box clean, so as to provide
for free air flow. However, operate the unit with
the control box cover installed.
e. Fuel System. Fill fuel tank only to within one
inch of the top to allow for expansion of the fuel.